Ticket machine nightmares?

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I came into pro cooking late in life - was in my fifties. When I was new enough to be an idealist I would hear the ticket machine and think - Kewl! The restaurant's making money, I'm making money, another chance to excel! LOVE that sound. Well that lasted maybe a week.

It quickly went to annoying, to exasperating, to tormenting. It's an audio plague. I moved from restaurants to catering to feeding old folks in part to get away from that machine. I can hear it when I'm dining in a restaurant and will want to leave. I can hear it in my sleep. I can imagine hell being eternity on the line with 6 feet of tickets in front of me. As I type I hear it singing it's loathsome sound.

Let's never speak of this again.
I came into pro cooking late in life - was in my fifties. When I was new enough to be an idealist I would hear the ticket machine and think - Kewl! The restaurant's making money, I'm making money, another chance to excel! LOVE that sound. Well that lasted maybe a week.

It quickly went to annoying, to exasperating, to tormenting. It's an audio plague. I moved from restaurants to catering to feeding old folks in part to get away from that machine. I can hear it when I'm dining in a restaurant and will want to leave. I can hear it in my sleep. I can imagine hell being eternity on the line with 6 feet of tickets in front of me. As I type I hear it singing it's loathsome sound.

Let's never speak of this again.
But you still have and remember dreams?
I still get mad thinking about FOH all punching in their last orders at the same time then coming into the kitchen like "What's for fam meal tonight?"..

But you still have and remember dreams?

Just catered a small wedding. Menu included SV swordfish w chimichuri sauce or hangers w bearnaise.

Kids menu was chicken fingers, tater tots and ketchup.

One of the "grownups" was upset because we didn't have enough chicken fingers for him to have them.

I still love mankind. It's just people I can't stand.....:mad:
Let’s not forget the other end of the cord. Dealing with the POS system itself can be a complete nightmare.
I’ve had a few kitchen nightmares where I woke up and realized I was dreaming, then went back into the dream partially lucid. I told myself, “this isn’t even real, I don’t have to deal with this **** right now,” and started tossing everything on the floor. Very satisfying.
We moved to touch screens this year, so no more printers.

As far as dreaming, I am a very light sleeper and have very lucid dreams that I am aware of, and can control.
For me, ticket machines started around '96

Hmmmm...the nightmare of hastily scribbled hand-scrawled tickets, every FOH scratching a different hieroglyph for the same dam dish; or the ticket machine one, with silence...silence...silence then the noisy cascading avalanche of semi-separated chits; the board filled and a stack of tickets waiting to hang................. :eek:o_O
The daisy chain of tickets on the rail, then hanging low like granny's tits, then back up to the printer that doesn't know the meaning of the word quit.
My dream used to go like this: hear the printer go off and the chef yell it out, turn around and cook the order quick, when I turn back around to plate the printer has twice as many tickets, I go back to cooking and hear it going off non stop, theres no way to keep up and by the end all I hear is a loud micros printer and I see a massive line of tickets piling up. Thats when I wake up with my heart racing. I dont remember too many of my dreams anymore.
I was at a restaurant a few months back eating at a restaurant with an open kitchen and heard their ticket machine go crazy.

Got distracted and completely missed what the waiter explained about the dish.
Something similar. Used to work the breakfast/lunch shift. 700 covers easy. Id start at 5 am but Id wake up at 3:30 am to have a coffee, do my business and shower. Id have nightmares of sleeping in and being late. Big name chef, not a place you want to mess around. Hardest part for me wasnt getting up, it was going to sleep at the right time. Never was able to fix my sleep while I worked there.

I've also drowned in tickets a few times when I was new. Had anxiety when the machine would go off for a bit.
Like. I've never worked a place that dod Sunday brunch. Have drunk my way thru more than a few....
As someone with terrible hearing, my nightmare was walking back to the station during quiet times and finding a ticket in the machine. There's always a mild panic that it has been sitting there for ages.

Kitchens are loud. If you ask for a vongole a might give you a creme brulee. If you ask for venison, I might wonder what medicine you are talking about.
As someone with terrible hearing, my nightmare was walking back to the station during quiet times and finding a ticket in the machine. There's always a mild panic that it has been sitting there for ages.

Kitchens are loud. If you ask for a vongole a might give you a creme brulee. If you ask for venison, I might wonder what medicine you are talking about.
The hood vents! :eek:

The loud concerts when I was young doesn't help.
The hood vents! :eek:

The loud concerts when I was young doesn't help.

As someone with terrible hearing, my nightmare was walking back to the station during quiet times and finding a ticket in the machine. There's always a mild panic that it has been sitting there for ages.

Kitchens are loud. If you ask for a vongole a might give you a creme brulee. If you ask for venison, I might wonder what medicine you are talking about.

me too. I worked at a place that had numerous seating areas and they decided to code them with letters that rhymed: G, D, B,T, P, TD. In a tiny kitchen with no fewer than 8 BOH people in it. Got better about getting the plates to the right tables when I got them to start using NATO alphabet, plus I got to yell Tango Delta One Niner and so on.
I remember one dream where my bed was part of my work station because it was too busy not to work 24/7. I was 17 years old at the pizza shop across the street from the Boston Garden.

The other one I remember was my first job out of school, dreamt that I was asking my coworker for help since I was drowning and she wasn't. I was calling out her name, Lynn, Lynn, Lynn, next thing I know I wake up, open my eyes and my girlfriend was staring at me furious like ***, my name is Lisa a--hole, isn't Lynn that tall, blonde, Southern girl from work?!
Like. I've never worked a place that dod Sunday brunch. Have drunk my way thru more than a few....

We did brunch everyday. Was nice being off around 3 but I hope to never work it again. Have enjoyed a handful of them on the other side as well 😬