What are you eating on a regular basis?

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Senior Member
May 17, 2015
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Once every day for the last two weeks: japanese style egg and rice "tamago kake gohan" this stuff is amazing, even sans furikake just plain-ish with a little shoyu and sesame oil

What about you guys?
Scarfed down far too many cobblers, crumbles and other variations of that theme in recent weeks- suitable fruit have been cheap around here...
Egg burrito's with whatever extra we have around....easiest thing to make in between breakfast and lunch.
oatmeal of one sort or another. every single work day for the last 6 years.
Farm fresh hard boiled eggs. they never get old. I cook them just under done so they have a soft custardy yoke. Now that I think of it...
Fresh blueberries. I think I'm addicted to them. While they're in season I'll eat a pound every day, sometimes two pounds, like yesterday.
It's tuna time up here in the great PNW. I've got albacore coming out my ears!
2 lbs? Holy sh**

:lol2: It's not like I sit down and consume them all at once. Mix some with yogurt for breakfast and add some to my lunch and dinner salads. Then I'll finish them off watching TV at night.
:lol2: It's not like I sit down and consume them all at once. Mix some with yogurt for breakfast and add some to my lunch and dinner salads. Then I'll finish them off watching TV at night.

I'm not even judging lol. When they're good... They're GOOD. Just had some amazing ones myself and I'd probably take them over any other snack for TV munching any day of the week LOL
Sushi and more sushi and more sushi. I work at a sushi restaurant, a quick temaki mid-shift helps me make it thru the night. Not to mention all the fish I sample before service for quality control. :p
I have a Cappucino, Butterbrezel and Apfeltasche for a breakfast pretty much on my every work day, does it count? :)
I eat a lot of pasta with olive oil, chili, capers, garlic, shallot, and pancetta or bacon on a regular basis.
I eat cereal wt. fresh fruit on it every morning & coffee.

Been making fish taco's lately & love to eat curries
Rice or pasta, with olive oil and whatever in the fridge... :relax:
I have a Cappucino, Butterbrezel and Apfeltasche for a breakfast pretty much on my every work day, does it count? :)

I also have breakfast staples, it used to be croissant and coffee, now it's 2 Wasa breads (sezam) and coffee.
Need to think about my cholesterol ;)
I am also finding myself cooking (green or white) beans soup with few tomatoes and of course onions and garlic, some fresh herbs (oregano, thyme, etc.) and little cream and lemon juice. Kind of a thick soup and often adding a friend egg on top and piece of bread. And a bit of dried chillies for me.

I also like to make a variation of the 'Aubergine, spinach & potato gratin with fennel-braised puy lentils' from the 'for the love of food' cookbook by Denis Cotter. I often replace the potatoes with some sort of squash and often make a simplified version, but that really is a great dish and can be made with different ingredients. I would have to be a treat to have such a dish made by a pro cook.
Every shift I work at my restaurant I eat the same meal, even got FOH hooked on it. Just a bit of rice, carnitas, avocado, nuac cham, cilantro, mint, sriracha aioli. Just a bunch of mis thrown together, surprisingly delicious.