I have one of the early fujiyama 240 in white #1, paid just over 300 for it as I recall and its similar to chicago's in the post above (although I think his bevels are nicer than mine was new). The wide bevel was kind of different back then and not too many of them were around. But honestly, the wide bevel was simply ground out on a round wheel, meaning it was somewhat concave and needed a lot of work if you wanted it to be flat. Over the years I ended up making the sides slightly convex (hamaguriba) with a microbevel, and it's a top performer. It looks totally different now - semi-mirror polished over the entire blade (full mirror is too sticky). From the original grind, the heel has some structure to it (although not a workhorse by any means), and a very thin tip. Steel is somewhat chippy if you just sharpen per the bevels (hence the microbevel) but great heat treat and the white-1 is incredibly sharp.