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    • ian
      Gay (check) Gay in the high desert where there are no others on the net (check) So it’s just me and the voices, and they don’t do jack...
    • ian
      ian reacted to OkayMode's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      Decided to let rip with the mixer speeds yesterday after some of the conversations above, and the result was a definite improvement in...
    • ian
      ian reacted to Seemore's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      I usually make 80%-100% whole grain sourdough loaves, but we’ve had a string of houseguests who appreciate their bread a little...
    • ian
      ian reacted to dchang21's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      italian christmas in July... Panettone, two flavours (chocolate and citron) made in the traditional way with pasta madre sourdough...
    • ian
      ian reacted to OkayMode's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      I only do it for mixing by hand, I don’t want it to happen with the stand mixer. I do it when mixing in the starter after autolyse.
    • ian
      ian replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      Hmmm I don’t usually go further through the fall apart phase. Does what you’re describing happen after an autolyze or is this an initial...
    • ian
      ian reacted to OkayMode's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      I read it as being that it starts resisting stretching, and rips instead of feeling extensible. If I’m slap and folding, it should come...
    • ian
      ian replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      Question: a lot of times I see instructions to “knead for 10 min” or something. However, most of the time my dough seizes up and resists...
    • ian
      ian reacted to Strozzi's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      Last night bake. 30% WW, ~80% hydration.
    • ian
      ian replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      Oh! You’re right. Didn’t notice that. Weird. What’s the point of having the bowl go round? Trying to keep the dough sort of...
    • ian
      ian reacted to Seemore's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      Maybe not as fast or harsh as it looks with the bowl going around as well.
    • ian
      ian replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      Yikes that is fast! Wow!
    • ian
      ian replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      I wonder how much time the center of the dough spends in that zone. Sounds like a job for someone with a leave-in thermometer! But...
    • ian
      ian reacted to OkayMode's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      I’ve had life changing NY style bagels precisely once in my life, and they were made by a bakery in a fairly small town on the south...
    • ian
      ian replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      That makes sense too. You think there’s anything to my theory about proportion of rise happening in the oven vs before, and the temp...
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