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    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      still fighting with the stand mixer, eventually I'll get it right. Loaves done in a stand mixer but with the hand mix timings and...
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    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      Honestly, I think I'd rather just have the extra sleep than have to start my dough an hour earlier 😅
    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      My kitchen hovers around 19c for the majority of the bulk, dipping to 18 for the last 4-5hrs. Autolyse is not possible with my schedule...
    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      Been trying to work on ways to continue making bread on my work weeks. The idea is to build as much gluten as possible in the beginning...
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    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 reacted to Seemore's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Like Like.
      That’s a lot of loft for high rye. Nice.
    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 reacted to ian's post in the thread A Bread Thread with Sad Sad.
      Well, the bread was a bust with her anyway. I think the cracked rye taste was too strong? Idk. Tasted great to me and my 9 yr old, but...
    • kinglukas38
      kinglukas38 replied to the thread A Bread Thread.
      solid adds, a shame about the level of doneness, but who am I to judge anyway. Enjoy that wonderful form of gluten
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