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    • noj
      noj replied to the thread What do you use for board scrapers?.
      Weird, but true, and also good for drywall ..
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    • noj
      You may find this interesting after getting the basic techniques sorted out ...
    • noj
      I find it useful to try to visualize the geometry. There are several aspects going on, but let me comment on just one, the edge...
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Unpopular opinions.
      Now how I cut my watermelons ..
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Unpopular opinions.
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Munetoshi care questions.
      Pretty much everything has been said, except perhaps patina is good for your food preparation. When a blade is first developing patina...
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Paul Revere Copper cookware.
      This ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ is pretty much the key to identifying the older Revere pots with thicker copper bottoms. It's pretty much all I...
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Daily Sharpening Pics.
      Roughly 11-13 min
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Daily Sharpening Pics.
      Thanks! I've seen the video a long time ago, but that part didn't register. Looks like he has what looks like rubber blocks (assuming...
    • noj
      noj reacted to OkayMode's post in the thread Daily Sharpening Pics with Like Like.
      I found this - watch from about 11 mins in:
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Daily Sharpening Pics.
      Anyone know, or have a video that shows how the blade is held while doing this? Plus if it can be done with handle. I can imagine a...
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Daily Sharpening Pics.
      Been wondering for a while what that rectangle on a stick exactly was, and what it was for.
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread next steps on project (knife).
      OK, thanks. I guarantee it wasn't a convex bench stone, fingerstone, or sandpaper. Not by me anyhow. I decided to let the blade...
    • noj
      noj replied to the thread next steps on project (knife).
      I finished it off as good enough for now. Plenty of issues for a nice polish, but that can come after future thinning if desired...
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    • noj
      noj replied to the thread Thinning Maboroshi.
      Looks like most of the questions were addressed. Nice that the high/low spots don't extend to the edge, like my latest project**. **...
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