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  1. T

    2015 nfl draft discussion

    I hope my brownies do Really bad.... because even that is better than usual
  2. T

    what do you guys use for pocket knives?

    Either a zt0551 or a kershaw cryo
  3. T

    When is the last time you got so angry that you literally saw red?

    Haha yeah, the kids absolutely loved me, but due to time constraints i had to step down.
  4. T

    Foreign food taken and made their own?

    Cows were brought to the US and not much is more murrican than red meat
  5. T

    Foreign food taken and made their own?

    Tomatoes started in the americas and aare pretty prevalent in italian cuisine. On the other side pizza in america (chicago, nyc) has been made our own as opposed to italian.
  6. T

    Mercer and Victorinox for Professional use

    What about fujiwara?
  7. T

    Media YouTube Knuckleheads

    I'm good...I'm uhh..faster than a bear
  8. T

    When is the last time you got so angry that you literally saw red?

    I used to coach hs lacrosse, one game last spring we were losing 3-1 after 3 quarters. Other team was horrible... I usually didnt get mad at the kids but their lack of effort, heart, and desire that particular day sent me over the edge... one of the other coaches was talking between the...
  9. T

    Media YouTube Knuckleheads I wws lucky enough so watch this gem live. And yes this wws really on the news Edit: apparently I am embed fail
  10. T

    oil blend for searing?

    Ive seen a few say coconut oil... ive always been under the impression it had a fairly low smoke point
  11. T


    Sorry for your loss! I know you wish there was more you could have done but don't beat yourself up.
  12. T

    Interview with a chef

    Hey guys, So I'm currently in school for culinary arts and we have a project where we have to do a brief interview with a chef. Because it can be done through e-mail I thought it would be interesting to do someone from here. It'd be pretty easy... I'd message you about 15-20 questions and you...
  13. T

    Whats cooking? **** Making something fine and fancy?** Just plain good? Show us!

    If you dont want to heat the pan too high use something else. youd probably get a better sear from a nonstick you heat the balls off of than a med all clad. If you want a good sear you gotta have the heat.... if youre only heating to medlow or med itll be hard to sear anything Also for the...
  14. T

    Trying to decide on a 180mm Gyuto - I think!

    I have a 240 akifusa... dont have a ton of experience but the food release isnt amazing. Edge retention is good but it can chip and isnt the easiest to sharpen but for home use you should be able to go pretty long without sharpening