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  1. Dr_Jim

    I don't get the newspaper strop.

    My very old & sagacious friend 'Tex' Grove kept all of his boat-working chisels in spooky sharp condition - he carried a long, narrow strip of what he called 'Pretty damn fine Flatland Bluestone..." which I think was from northern Europe somewhere, and that he claimed: "The little guy works...
  2. Dr_Jim

    187mm Carter kurouchi petty/funayuki

    Ah - sweet Jesus on a rubber Pogo-stick ..... It's literally raining fabulous, affordable knives this week & we're so dammed broke we're eating Bottom Ramen this week. Mutter, mutter, mutter Cheers Jim
  3. Dr_Jim

    Show your newest knife buy

    I continue to be stunned and bemused by the sheer beauty of the knives posted in this thread - the blessed Yoshikane above looks good enough to eat by itself. Even though my brain <knows> better, there's something so luscious about the damascene, that I keep thinking "Hmmmm - perhaps a delicate...
  4. Dr_Jim

    Greetings from Darkest Renton....

    But those of us on the American Left Coast, where we're too illiterate to quote Dante Alighieri simply say: "Arbiet McFries... Ya want 'em Supersized?" Cheers Jim
  5. Dr_Jim

    Greetings from Darkest Renton....

    Welcome! Fix the tip. :fishslap: Yes, this project is well in hand, the tip has been reground like a Bunka Hocho&#8203; with an Edo-style reverse bevel, which I believe was how it was intended to be finished - it looks very much like the knife in this URL...
  6. Dr_Jim

    Identify this Mystery Deba of Doom?

    Many thanks to Cutty Sharp, who transliterated the Deba's script into machine-readable Kanji - I fed his characters into this site: Which spat out some very interesting translations for the first group: "&#32317; satoshi given name" "&#24291; hiroshi...
  7. Dr_Jim

    Identify this Mystery Deba of Doom?

    Hmmm - I may have borked my Picassa albums, so back to photobucket and try these: Rght side of Deba: Left side of Deba: Spine of Deba: There - these should be a <bit> better, and JBroida was kind enough to download the full-sized version of the Knife's signature in his post - thanks...
  8. Dr_Jim

    Identify this Mystery Deba of Doom?

    Yes, I know the tiny pictures suck, but for some reason - I assume as an anti-spam measure - I can't attach pictures, and using the in-line URL reference limits them to a very small size. Sent a note to the site admins requesting edit & attachment rights - hopefully the post will look better...
  9. Dr_Jim

    Identify this Mystery Deba of Doom?

    Well, not really 'of Doom' - but who can resist such a snappy, alliterative title.... This small Deba dates from the late '40's or early '50's - part of a set made for a woman who was about 4' 10" tall and maybe 95 pounds dripping wet - so all of the knives are somewhat undersized, but...
  10. Dr_Jim

    Greetings from Darkest Renton....

    It's Renton, WA - a suburb of Seattle, which I <thought> was going to be an affordable, but dull, place to live - which turns out to be way more interesting than it first appears. There are three very good places in Renton to buy unusual grub, Viet Wah (large store packed with SE Asian...
  11. Dr_Jim

    Greetings from Darkest Renton....

    No, I'm not a professional chef (although my Dad was & he taught us all how to cook...) and don't even enjoy cooking all that much as a hobby, but I do <like> to eat decent food - so I cook more out of self-defense, than any great love of the process. Up until a few months ago we used an...