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  1. Dr_Jim

    Identify this Mystery Deba of Doom?

    Well, not really 'of Doom' - but who can resist such a snappy, alliterative title.... This small Deba dates from the late '40's or early '50's - part of a set made for a woman who was about 4' 10" tall and maybe 95 pounds dripping wet - so all of the knives are somewhat undersized, but...
  2. Dr_Jim

    Greetings from Darkest Renton....

    No, I'm not a professional chef (although my Dad was & he taught us all how to cook...) and don't even enjoy cooking all that much as a hobby, but I do <like> to eat decent food - so I cook more out of self-defense, than any great love of the process. Up until a few months ago we used an...