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  1. S

    Show your newest knife buy

    Recently added a Hado Junpaku 240mm gyuto to my small kit. Such a thing of beauty... Wustof is officially retiring to become the I dont care knife. Kit helmed by a 300mm Blue 2 yanagi only to remind me of the good times during my sushi chef days.
  2. S

    Another Cliche Newb Stone Suggestion Help Thread (6-8k range?)

    Hello KKF, I'm new to the forum but I've been always lurking through countless threads for years. This is my first time posting, and yes I have spent hours researching this matter but there seems to be so many dependencies and opinions involved that it's been tough to draw a conclusion...
  3. S

    Hello from Canada

    Thank you!
  4. S

    Hello from Canada

    Hello, Just acquired my Hado Junpaku 240mm! One of the most beautiful F&F knives I've seen, and just felt like an extension to my arm holding it. Been a sushi chef for a while, moved professions, got super busy and lived a crappy lifestyle but now I'm looking to get my culinary game up at home...