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  1. Schmiedefeuer

    WTS 255mm Chefknife Apexultra monosteel

    Hi everybody, I’m selling this handcrafted chefknife. Here are the details: 🔪 Blade: Apexultra monosteel. Excellent edge retention and durability. 🔪 Handle: Stabilized birch, designed for a comfortable grip and long-term use. Copper pins for added strength. 🔪 Blade Length: 255mm (9,8inches)...
  2. Enso Forge

    Fresh off the bench

    Here’s the latest gyuto I finished up. The blade was forged from w2, differentially heat treated, and polished to bring out the hamon and aid in patina development. The octagon handle is made from snakewood and heirloom fit to a fire blackened steel bolster. Thanks for looking!
  3. Beau Nidle

    Hello, I'm Paul, a British Knifemaker

    Well I decided to take the jump to hobbyist and so I'd like to start with a little about me and then we'll get straight on to the knives. I work mainly as an artist in the north east of England. I do a lot of work with movie prop replicas for collectors and costumers, very occasionally for small...