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  1. DangerDicing

    Imanishi Kitayama 1000 anyone?

    Hi, I am currently checking the market for a new setuo for sharpening stones and did decide to go with Imanishis stones- not too hard, short soaking and good to go. Also potential usage for polishing. However, does anybody have experience with the Imanishi Kitayama 1000? Information regarding...
  2. ModRQC

    Kitayama 8K Base Removal

    How to remove a sharpening stone from a plastic base Primary inspiration - thanks @Michi. I removed both a Suehiro (Cerax/Ouka) flat white plastic base and a Rika wooden base this way. Not all ovens are the same which is the most uncertain part of the whole procedure. I'd say just some gradual...