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  1. Martyfish

    Comparison Review: SylvainM Passaround Knife

    Introduction I took part in a passaround from @SylvainM and wanted to post a review here as well as in the passaround thread. I want to start off by saying that it has been an absolute pleasure to interact with @SylvainM during the passaround. He reached out to me via DM shortly before I...
  2. SylvainM

    Passaround - SylvainM - C-Grind Bunka

    Hi all, As this is now a couple of weeks I hang on this forum I realize how much skills there are around here. This sounds a great opportunity to get feedback on my work, as this is probably the best way to improve ! Therefore I'd like to organize a passaround. This one will be restricted to...
  3. mengwong

    MagnaCut passaround [LIVE]

    Would any knife steel nerds like to try out as a passaround? Good opportunity to check out @MSicardCutlery’s work… I’d be happy for people to spend a week or two with the knife. Put it to the test re edge retention, just no brass nails please. Please snap before/after photos upon arrival and...