Knives & Stones Sakai Takayuki Syousin blue 1 honyaki gyuto 240mm Aussie passaround

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Just waiting for scotchef to get back to me with shipping details, or i just pass it on to another melburnian?

He is usually very prompt. If he doesn't I would be happy to take it next. I may have stuff I will need to send to scotchef so can send it together next week.
Hi, i swear i sent a pm yesterday but not to worry.Sent it on to Melbourites as suggested which should work out well as i think Geo87 is next.
The order was originally #4scotchef #5melbourites then myself at #6

I'm not concerned either way if that order gets jumbled up :) just keep us informed. I'm in brisbane so whatever order makes more sense postage wise.
I received the knife yesterday. It was well packaged jimbob. Will use it over Xmas preping a turkey and ham + extras.

It feels heavier compared to the other knives I have but the balance seems right. So far it cuts through paper effortlessly so good initial impression.

Thanks James for loaning the knife. It is often hard to get a good feel and impression of knives without test driving them in person.
thanks for keep this going effortlessly guys. The mightly aussie customs held my stock for 2 weeks without inspecting / releasing them, resulting in my knives (incluing the sakura gyuto!) conveniently missing the xmas / new year. Funny was, they eventually released them without even opening the box.
Looking fwd to hearing some feedback on this one the dust settles. And if it should ever make it's way state-side, I'd be very interested in giving it a go. Just saying...
Looking fwd to hearing some feedback on this one the dust settles. And if it should ever make it's way state-side, I'd be very interested in giving it a go. Just saying...

it surely will! i'd like to get it across as soon as i get it back :)
Posted the knife to scotchef in Cairns this morning. Really enjoyed using it. A picture below to give a comparison of side profile with the other 'long' knives I have. I am not sure what the protocol with reviewing it but will add more comments/feedback after others have had a go.

Posted the knife to scotchef in Cairns this morning. Really enjoyed using it. A picture below to give a comparison of side profile with the other 'long' knives I have. I am not sure what the protocol with reviewing it but will add more comments/feedback after others have had a go.

thanks for the comparison pic mate, lets keep it going :)
James, you could also make some people just as happy by sending one of those San-mais with the sexy wide bevel:)
James, you could also make some people just as happy by sending one of those San-mais with the sexy wide bevel:)

I am actually about to do it. The pair have came back from Chanop. I will get it sorted in the next few days!
Knife arrived at my place this morning.I will pass it on to Geo87 next week.First impressions are good,heavier than i expected but i like a heavier knife,f +f is very nice.Thanks for the opportunity to give it a go James😄
Thats exciting! I'm a big fan of heavier knives. Has anyone sharpened it or touched it up since Huw did?
Huw put me in my place with his edge! It was perhaps a bit fine though as i experienced a touch of edge folding, minimal though.
Received the knife today :)
Looks & feels great James thanks for this opportunity. Initial impressions are good. It's shorter than I expected (230mm) but is still packing plenty of weight and height at heel which I love. I'll post more feedback after using it at work for the week.
Sambal is unable to receive the pass around at the moment due to moving house so I've sent the knife on to dusty yesterday.
I'll post my feedback shortly.
I received the knife this morning, I'll put it through its paces and jot down my thoughts early next week.

First impressions are very good!
Just an update.

Knife arrived from Dusty today. Have only had a quick look at it at work, love the feel in the hand.

I understand it is to head back to Sydney after me.

James do you just want me to post it back to you and you will sort out the Sydney section?
I will be in Canberra next Thursday for work. My office is in Braddon, so we can arrange a pick up if you don't want to organise posting.
I will be in Canberra next Thursday for work. My office is in Braddon, so we can arrange a pick up if you don't want to organise posting.

That sounds good. It is easy for me to pop into Braddon Thursday to drop it off.
the blade is now back with me, to my pleasant surprise, it came back with some awesome tattoo!
May worth to give it a bit of polishing to bring out the cloud? :D
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Thanks James it was a real fun using it and totally different to all the knife I own.
Great to hear it made if back to you in one piece safe and sound James , it would give me nightmares doing a passaround after reading those missing knives in previous threads , thank you for this opportunity