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Liked it a lot, especially for Jared Harris's performance. It was also nice to see Caesar and Brutus back together.
Shark Week is over so back to watching Deadliest Catch.We only watch recorded shows and movies in my house.If we can't fast forward through all the bull @$@#$ commercials,we don't watch it.
I saw The Silence of the Lambs again yesterday. People always hype Hopkins but Ted Levine is every bit as great in that film.
I wonder the % of house holds that have DVR's. Everyone skipping TV commercials. We tape so much hardly ever watch live TV.

Just watched the Rosary Murders with Donald Sutherland.
The 3rd season of Expanse aired recently.
That is a really good sci fi show.

Incredibly well done.
I'm glad they saved it from being cancelled.
Just watched live action version of Initial D (2005) on Netflix and it had me glued to the edge of my seat, was such a thrilling film!!
It is one of the few anime based films that was done really well.
Just finished Ozark season 2 on Netflix.

Superb acting, storyline and directing. Each episode seems much longer than actual screen time, I think they've done this through the clever and rapid switching between scenes.

Also enjoyed Turn: Washington's Spies on iTunes.

It's a worthwhile drama chronicling the struggle between the Continental Army led by Washington against the British in the 1770s-1780s.
Donald Sutherland again Eye Of The Needle saw it years ago, great flicks hold up over time.
Just finished Ozark season 2 on Netflix.

Superb acting, storyline and directing. Each episode seems much longer than actual screen time, I think they've done this through the clever and rapid switching between scenes.

Glad season two is good. I will be watching it after I finish Luke Cage and Iron Fist. The first season of Ozark was underrated.
I've been watching Homeland which is my girlfriend's favourite. If Carrie Mathison is your average CIA agent then the US is screwed.
I sat down to watch the first season of Dark on Netflix. I really enjoyed it, quite a bit more than Stranger Things actually.
Also watched Irreversible, which has without a doubt the most disturbing scene of any movie I’ve ever watched.
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I sat down to watch the first season of Dark on Netflix. I really enjoyed it, quite a bit more than Stranger Things actually.
Also watched Irreversible, which has without a doubt the most disturbing scene of any movie I’ve ever watched.
The rape scene or the fire extinguisher scene?
The rape scene. Other than that it was an excellent film.
You think the rape scene was a detriment to the film? It wouldn't have worked at all without it. It's the foundation of the whole premise. To say that it was a great film, apart from the most important and crucial scene, is a little strange.
Shooter TV series. It is semi-interesting but I will not be watching past the first season.
Bodyguard on Netflix. BBC production about terrorism and political intrigue. Six episodes and only one season. Watched it all over 2 nights. Stars Richard Madden who was Robb Stark in Game of Thrones stars and he was excellent.
Went to “The Frontrunner” premier last nite in NYC...def a movie worth waiting to watch at home! Hugh Jackman gives a great performance, its just not interesting enough of a story to be a full movie.

On the plus side, met “Bighead” at the after party (he has a part in the movie) and his real life personality is pretty much his character in Silicon Valley, def looking forward to the next season.