Cut To The Quick

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Butchering a lamb. Knife slipped off the bone and had a two foot running start into the top side of my left middle finger first knuckle. Nine stitches; five popped within a few days lifting stacks of sauté pans but it stayed closed. On the bright side that is the last cut I am going to ever feel on that knuckle. Should have finished that second cup of coffe before that animal. Not really a morning person.
i've cut the corner of my left index finger pad off a couple times, usually when cooking after a few too many. the knuckles of my left had have gotten some slices when lifting a knife too high when chopping. i tend to cut myself much more when sharpening than when cooking, though i have a cut on my left index fingercaused by crushing a garlic clove with a knife that was too narrow, right at the moment. strangely, i have a tendency to get cuts on my right index finger and thumb, despite being right handed. mostly happens when i'm washing up.
I was cutting up a chicken and the 6" chef's knife I was using fell 40" edge down onto my left big toe. 1.5 inch gash. Ugly.
i noticed that no one mentioned using sharp knives while drinking ALCOHOL.....

Haha no stitches but that happened to me while chopping onion back at Maksims Gathering in June :D
Still have a scar on my finger from a butterfly knife. Most of my cuts were from in hand paring knife work. Mushroom radishes in particular. Hmm actually sure I got myself a few times fileting fish on sportfishing boats with all the fish slime on everything, but never badly.

This is probably the worst damage I've done in the kitchen. Happened about 5 years ago and hope I don't ever do that one again. Seemed to take for ever to heal.
It's very common for me to shave off my fingertip knuckle skin on my left middle finger. I occasionally stab myself when using a boning knife(esp on lamb racks) butchering primal cuts. Other that, most damage is done while cleaning the kitchen. I've scraped off so much flesh under benches, sinks, ovens, etc.
Burns really suck too, especially on the fingers.
Yeah I get that cut on the knuckle of my middle left hand a lot too. Usually when slicing lots of crostini.
The right side one looks like my left middle finger where I stuck it in a spinning table saw blade!

Have you seen the new safety feature on some of the table saws? It uses induction to determing when flesh is touching the blade and throws a block of aluminum into the blade under the table stopping it almost instantly. They showed a live test with a hot dog and it barely got a nick.

Found a link:

I think cuts and burns are initiations into kitchens.

When new employees get their first knife cuts we cheer and welcome them into the Korin family. There was an incident where I was standing next to my coworker who slid her fingers across a yanagi. She notice she cut her finger and shook her finger in pain... It started raining blood on me. I've never been so alarmed in my life. LOL
well, i literally cut to the quick two days ago. had a friend over, and i was dicing an onion when he said something that made me laugh, which made me move my hand. my Shig went through the center of my right index finger nail and came out through the front of the finger pad. incredible pain, and it bled for a long, long time, and rather heavily. i think i went into shock, as i was rather loopy for a good long while. it's all super glued up, now, so i'm functional. i'm hoping i'll keep the nail. note to self: don't allow funny dinner guests into the kitchen.

p.s. to add insult to injury, i gritted my teeth in pain, and one of my crowns shattered. i needed it replaced anyway, and there was no pain because it's a tooth that had been root-canaled years ago (it was lost due to a trip that landed my face on a raised sidewalk curb) but it sucked.
Oh, boy, I could feel that one through the keyboard! Happy healing, sport!
Tangled with some electric grass shears and tried to cut the end off my middle finger. Fortunately the battery was almost dead. Still ended up with a couple of stitches, and had bits of grass and dirt working out of my finger for months. At least I had a good time showing it to people who annoyed me...

That shig through the fingernail just about made me have to walk away from the computer--OWWWWW!!!!!
I've shaved knuckles a couple times and cut through a hand towel right into my thumb with my yanagiba while wiping it down but nothing really serious. My most notable kitchen cut came courtesy of a mandolin and a piece of jicama. +1 to fingertip burns, I seared my index finger inside a pizza oven recently and it smarts pretty good.

My worst cut actually happened while skateboarding with a glass bottle in my hand, think I was in 7th or 8th grade.
Hit a crack in the road, flew off the board, hands out in front of me but didn't let go of the bottle. The bottle shattered in my hand, my cousin and I look at my hand and I've got two gashes, one of which has revealed the bone. It felt like slow motion but as we're looking at my hand it starts squirting blood all over the place. Got to my cousins, my uncle starts washing it out in the kitchen sink, hurt like hell. He then offers to stitch it himself with my aunts plain ol' needle and thread. I refused and went to the hospital where I got glass pulled out of my thumb and 14 stitches. My uncle and I laugh about it till this day.
My worst cut came when I was a dishwasher. Though it didn't happen at work. My parents had just gotten me a set of Chicago Cutlery knives, and I was playing with the slicer and the honing rod. I tried to be all cool like you see on tv, and smacking it down the rod really fast (I know this is not the way to do it now), but my biggest mistake was not tucking my thumb under the guard. The blade went smack straight into my thumb pad, straight to the bone. Didn't bleed at first, then all of a sudden, blood just started spurting everywhere. Being that I had to be at work in 30 minutes, I kept it under pressure, and used some super glue to hold it together when I had forced enough blood out of my thumb. Note, super glue stings like crazy when it hits that deep of a wound. Had to wear a rubber glove at work for quite a while, and made me think about how knives are supposed to be used.
Caving ice wt. chainsaws & alot of cutting for Banquets,some nicks that bleed but nothing major,knock on wood.My worst cut was being stupid at home,took a clump of frozen fish out to fry it up for my cat,was cutting wt. a sharp carbon cleaver,slipped on the frozen fish & went into my thumb.I was alone drove to emergency wt my wraped thumb,in my small truck wt. a stick shift.Took 7 stiches the Doc said I smelled like fish.

I have seen major cuts in Hotel kitchens.A coworker went through a seed in an Avocado & cut his palm pretty bad.We used to have a bandsaw in the Butcher shop yrs. ago,friend cut his finger off cutting meat on the bone.

When I was a kid delivering newspapers,I would load up 3 baskets 2 on the rear wheel & 1 up front.I hit a curb wt a almost full load & the end of the handlebar went into the pad below the thumb on my hand.Blood was spurting out I went to the house,lucky it was a Doctors,I passed out,he put something under my nose,to wake me up again,I was very lucky it happened in front of a Doc's house.

For many yrs. I had a round scar on the pad of my hand,I can still see some of it 50yrs. later.
I just got 6 stitches from a knife cut...and it was a freakin' Shun to boot. Anyhow, it was my fault; I did something stupid. I'll spare the gore, but here is the post-op bandage.


I use a knife for hours everyday. Haven't cut myself in a burns; so many, I don't even pay attention anymore.

I went for an annual doctors visit once with no less than a dozen visible burns on my arms; he informed me that it may someday lead to cancer....well what the heck did I stop smoking for then????
I use a knife for hours everyday. Haven't cut myself in a burns; so many, I don't even pay attention anymore.

I can't remember the last time I really cut myself, but I know it wasn't even close to a decade ago...

I was just cleaning out some fruit and there were some limes that had browned, so I was going to cut them in half and juice them. One was really hard and I should have just thrown it, but instead I tried cutting it and the blade slid right off into my finger. It was like cutting a cue ball with a finger for dessert.

The first knuckle of my left middle finger has been shaved off 3 or 4 times. There's kind of a small crater there now. :knife:
OOOOWWWwwwww! Time to throw away some limes at my house. Hope it feels better soon, Mr. Drinky!
I can't remember the last time I really cut myself, but I know it wasn't even close to a decade ago...

I was just cleaning out some fruit and there were some limes that had browned, so I was going to cut them in half and juice them. One was really hard and I should have just thrown it, but instead I tried cutting it and the blade slid right off into my finger. It was like cutting a cue ball with a finger for dessert.


Heal quickly, K.
Never properly cut myself yet, but some of these stories :eek2::scared4:
Never more than a little nick prepping food, but there was that time I fumbled a Suji doing final finish at home in my socks... landed in my toe.. went clean through ,stuck into the wood floor:eek2:
Never more than a little nick prepping food, but there was that time I fumbled a Suji doing final finish at home in my socks... landed in my toe.. went clean through ,stuck into the wood floor:eek2:

I am still most likely to cut myself while hand sanding a blade. Early on, the second biggest offender was the belt grinder and 36 grit belts!!!:bigeek:
I knew this thread would evoke some good (bad) stories, but I never imagine it would run so long. I guess if you play with matches you're bound to get burned and if you play with knives you're bound to get cut/sliced/stabbed.
I am still most likely to cut myself while hand sanding a blade. Early on, the second biggest offender was the belt grinder and 36 grit belts!!!:bigeek:

Oh boy.

One guy who was in a metal workshop with me had the grinder running with a 36 (these were old Wiltons, with a constant 9000 RPM). He reached over to put the spark guard down and the belt ripped into his bone, through his glove.