Giving Away My Katos

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Apr 20, 2015
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After being in the knife game for too many years now, I've decided to downscale and only keep the bare essentials. It's been getting out of hand and I figured I would have to let these go sooner or later.

I have two Kato knives, a 210mm workhorse gyuto and a 185mm workhorse nakiri that I will be giving away. Write a comment and I'll pick two winners tomorrow. You pay for shipping.

Well, if it's NOT April Fools, why not. I'd be down.
Wow!!!!! I definitely will try!!! Eye on the Nakiri!!!!
Likewise... if it's not a joke I'll throw my name in the hat for the gyuto!
You've a twisted sense of humor - but I like it. Almost as much as I like that nakiri....
Is it wrong if I delete all the posts but mine? Either way happy April Fool's Day and Easter.
Incase that not an April fools joke, I would love one of them. I am just a lowly home cook, who is making handles to pay for my knife problem. This would be the be by far and away the nicest knife in my bar.
Send them along and I'll pick one for myself and pay forward the other. Remember how knifenerd would rehab knives and donate them to poor culinary students. Notwithstanding Ayn Rand, I love the idea.
Happy aprils fools.
just in case, i would love to get my hands on the gyotu :D
Happy Easter and/or April fools 🤪
Well, if it's a trap, you picked the right bait. It's the only way I'd ever get my hands on a Kato.
After being in the knife game for too many years now, I've decided to downscale and only keep the bare essentials. It's been getting out of hand and I figured I would have to let these go sooner or later.

I have two Kato knives, a 210mm workhorse gyuto and a 185mm workhorse nakiri that I will be giving away. Write a comment and I'll pick two winners tomorrow. You pay for shipping.


Nakiri please and thank you :D :knife: she looks like a beast