Huws Food

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Looking good as always Huw, beautiful plates and nice clean flavour combos.
Local organic suckling pig
Looks perfectly cooked. What did you serve it with?
Please mail me a little bit of everything in this thread.
I really like the duck Huw , what is the white thing across the plate ? some maltodextrin powder action going on there ?
Thanks Mert, yep it's the rendered duck fat infused with ginger & shallot in a bag overnight then into Malto. The rendered skins are fried in duck fat and we make a crumble with salt & Szechuan pepper.
Hope you will get the second hat Huw , your food looks amazing. I see good texture and taste profiles , and some Tetsuya precision
Best of luck , would love to see you on GT , make sure you hold something sharp and shiny on your hands:biggrin:
Mate your food looks as good as many 3 hat restaurants in Sydney. I really need an excuse to come visit. Good luck.
A lot of interesting food. Would love to know some details of preparation. Maybe it's time for a book?
Here's a quick pick of some leaving the kitchen.
Served with grilled nectarines, sorrel and a sauce of the roasting juices & Dijon mustard.


Chef your food looks killer!! I love your dishes.

I really like this plate. The grilled nectarines, that suckling pig, the jus & dijon mustard. That's a home run for me. I've never had sorrel with pork before so I'm interested in how that would work.
Huw... OFF THE FRICKIN' HOOK, simply amazing plating & composition, as alway's. Good luck on the awards. Should be a slam dunk, with plates like that. I just hope the wait staff.can match up withe the food! :D
Huw, I'll be in Australia for 3 weeks in December. Where is your restaurant?
December is one of the better time to visit Huw in Merimbula. Weather is still cooler down that way.
Truly outstanding food and photos Huw! Haven't been to your spot, but in my mind I'm telling myself you were still at Tetsuya's years ago when we visited Sydney. Obviously it's been nothing but up for you since then. I hope you gain the accolades you deserve...and that someday we might enjoy your food again.
I wish I was closer if I was I would definatly come. Looks really good and not to over the top.
I wish I was closer if I was I would definatly come. Looks really good and not to over the top.

Thanks Jai, it is pretty far away from the major cities, which is also part of its charm, I need the get back to the Boathouse when I'm up in Sydney. I've had some awesome meals there! Haven't been since Colin took over
Dude! I may need to come down again just for the food. Yum.