Kamon production knives

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Don't say anything bad about Austria. Otherwise I'll send you terminator...

As promised, a few pics, I'm sorry, there is no daylight, when I am at home at the moment.









The last 2 pics are showing the "budget-line" next to my 2 customs, one is a 265mm 7-layer-san mai, stainless clad and the other one (the santoku-ish knife of my wife) is a 5-layer-san-mai with carbon steel cladding.

Didn't find time to test the knife, but I am pretty sure it will perform well.

Nice. How does the handle feel in hand? I like that he's done away with those recessed nut holes in the new line handles.
Managed to get one too, (im)patiently waiting for it to arrive!
Mack, any chance for a spince comparison between the new and the customs?
Looks pretty cool. I'm interested in the first reviews.
Yeah, it was supposed to say spine. ;)

I am truly sorry for the late answer, had a lot of work. The main difference is, that Ben's coustoms are forged, whereas the production line knives are made stock removal. This leads to the fact, that the customs are imho perfectly tapered, whereas the production line isn't. I talked to Benjamin, he said that tapering the production knife would increase the price of the knife. As you can see on the pictures below the tips are very thin on both knives, but the production knife stays at 3,7mm for almost 4/5 of the blade.

But: The taper on the spine is one thing. To me more important is the taper inside the blade (let's say 1cm or 2cm above the edge). The hollow grind is the reason why there is no big difference in food release.

So as a conclusion (imho): If you have a hollow grind, a tapered blade is of course nice to have, but not that necessary than a blade with conventional grind (means no hollow grind).

Here are the pics:



Well, 3.7mm spine thickness over 4/5 of the length of the knife does not sound like intuitive choice. But maybe the milled depression mitigates the possible issue with weight & balance.
Matus, as I already mentioned, to me taper along the spine isn't that important, even less if there is a hollow grind. You are in Germany, I am in Austria, if you want, I'll send you the knife and you can generate your own opinion. Just send me a short PM if you want to try it.


p.s. the 4/5 of the blade were spoken from my memory, in fact the 3,7mm area lasts 18cm (of 27 in total), so it is 2/3 of the blade, sorry for my inaccurate statement above.
Mack, I apologize, I did not want to attack Ben’s work, I should have chosen my words more carefully. I would of course love to have a chance to test one of his knives, but I would not want to bully my way to get my hands on one.
Matus, no worries and no need for an excuse. We should communicate in German, would be easier maybe LOL.

I'll pm you.

Yeah still waiting for mine. It’s been in the post for a while, still can’t really tell where in the world it currently is. I’m curious about how wide the spine is throughout.
Got mine last weekend. Really liking it so far. Spine is thick all the way throughout, and then thins down to almost nothing pretyy close to the tip. Food release is sensational, as expected. Sharpness OOTB was quite underwhelming though, but I guess you're meant to put your own edge to it. Also liking the handle considerably more than I anticipated.
Got mine last weekend. Really liking it so far. Spine is thick all the way throughout, and then thins down to almost nothing pretyy close to the tip. Food release is sensational, as expected. Sharpness OOTB was quite underwhelming though, but I guess you're meant to put your own edge to it. Also liking the handle considerably more than I anticipated.

Are you a pro cook by any chance? Curious how it handles fileting a fish and other general restaurant tasks.
Mines been in customs since the 16th. Not sure how long that generally lasts. Haven't had any knives come internationally before this.
Was it shipped Express or reg international. Makes a huge difference. I get knives from Japan in 3-4 days door-to-door when shipped EMS