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The shibata is a beauty also for sure

Mine just arrived this morning. Unfortunately we will be eating leftover turkey for a few days...

But it's a great way to get meat warm again without drying out the edges!


I bought a new samsung tablet for my 2 year old, realized it is way nicer than what I intended. Samsung galaxy tab A 10.1. I am now trying to find a good cover for it as my go to otterbox defender is unavailable.

I have never had a phone break in those and they take falls down stairs multiple times.

Samsung does some wicked stuff Wens. Hope your boy enjoys it!

I received delivery of a balsa block and some dmt paste. First time ever stropping. Holy jeez! Things are sharp now

I think stropping with an abrasive on an already somewhat run-down edge actually gets you a weird kind of "so dull it shaves" edge...

BTW, is there ANY edge in the world that doesn't feel dull when fine dicing crimini mushrooms (except when using a tip-murdering, dangerous, slow draw slice)?


I think stropping with an abrasive on an already somewhat run-down edge actually gets you a weird kind of "so dull it shaves" edge...

I have no hair left on my left arm from today's session lol

Though I did take all knives to a stone before stropping

Caved in, Kurosaki's 240 gyuto on the way :knife:

The Suwada? Yes they are indeed. So good I bought three, one to keep and two for gifts.

The Suwada? Yes they are indeed. So good I bought three, one to keep and two for gifts.


And "So good I bought three"... when I got my first munetoshi 240 I also bought butcher..... then ordered my friend a 240 and butcher.....+ nikiri for me :biggrin:

and the beat goes on... la..di..da..da.....:EDance2:

Empirically tested: Serrated knives really are much more likely to injure you... frozen-food-knife gets caught on drying towel, then rips free and OUCH....
45 ouch alright!

I made my first confit legs yesterday. Good stuff. Now, can that olive oil be stored and reused? I'm not sure it can because it now has this gelatine at the bottom, won't it go rancid??

I'm off to try to hook a rainbow or brownie. Cold fingers ensue!
45 Birth year and just tried my first jnat.... must complete the munetoshi set. Nikiri plus how may pairs of clippers for free shipping??????
45 ouch alright!

I made my first confit legs yesterday. Good stuff. Now, can that olive oil be stored and reused? I'm not sure it can because it now has this gelatine at the bottom, won't it go rancid??

I'm off to try to hook a rainbow or brownie. Cold fingers ensue!


Legs? Duck legs? Did you confit duck legs in olive oil? If so, why?

Legs? Duck legs? Did you confit duck legs in olive oil? If so, why?


Because of yummy yummy in my belly! First time doing confit so maybe olive oil wasn't appropriate, not sure. Pheasant legs by the way. They turned out great.

So, can the oil be stored for another go?

I would personally not use the oil for an additional batch of confit as olive oil tends to oxidize quickly. Instead I would use it for frying. You can use a whole lot of it in making lasagna or bolognese.
50 "olive oil tends to oxidize quickly" as anyone who ever thought there are quicker ways than knife & mortar to do pesto will have found out :)
50 "olive oil tends to oxidize quickly" as anyone who ever thought there are quicker ways than knife & mortar to do pesto will have found out :)


My mother makes pesto in a food processor. I straight up told her it was awful and she still does it.
Aren't you meant to use duck fat for confit?



If you are confit'ing duck legs, yes. For some vegetables olive oil will be used. A classic is olive oil confit garlic. I've done leek confit in both duck fat and olive oil.

Morning knife addicts. You know who you are :knife:

...whatever drove a local drugstore chain to have an offer of maybe-decent damascus beaters... and have them made with a FULL BOLSTER.... rggghhh....

Evening peeps

What do I do with this? Got it in the farmer's market, thought it was cavolo nero but now that I'm home I realise it sure isn't


"What do I do with this?" ... rinse it very thoroughly :)

Could be some oddball variety of chard? Certainly looks like something from the "saute, and build a sauce around it with cream, broth, white wine and something smoky and serve over spuds" category...

Turned out to be some sort of purple brussel sprouts, I think. Very yummy with some fish. My wife loves munching on vegetables so she was over the moon haha

Did you cook the leaves and the sprouts together in the same dish?


Yes, but with different timing. Did the sprouts first, then the leaves over the iron pan, bit of butter, pepper and lemon. I always try to keep it as simple as possible when I don't know the ingredients. But it turned very good in the end.

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