Knives & Stones Sakai Takayuki Syousin Sakura 240mm Gyuto Passaround in the US

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I'll pick these up from the Post office Tuesday, and will probably have them back on the road by the end of the week, as I'm hitting the road for vacation myself this weekend.

Sweet, looks like I'm up next. I should be back in my home by then, so these'll be the first toys I get in the mail!
Danny, if you are next hit me with the address, I want to use them, then get them going so they don't sit while I'm out of town
I just picked up seven knives from the post office. I feel like a million dollars, even though I only get to keep three, two of which I already owned, and are just coming home from loans.
Or not because photo sharing has been disabled within the app, and I don't have a computer.
Good to see things back on track! I am not sure about the photo via mobile stuff, :(
BTW the Sayas (is that plural for saya?) are top notch. Nicer than any "stock" saya I've seen and entering the realm of custom.
wondering the same thing. Anyway knows where is the pair now?

I sent them off to Arkansas before I went on vacation. I forgot to write my thoughts and this bumping up reminded me.
I put them in the post today, CCLin should receive them on weds. Sorry for the lengthy delay here in The Natural State.

I agree with DaveB about the sayas, the more I saw them, the more I liked them. The steel seems to be more reactive than the few other carbon knives I've used, but was also easy to clean up.

I liked the standard profile gyuto more than the k-tip, I think mainly b/c I liked the balance more.

Also, I think I'd prefer these at 270, instead of 240....but I'm also on a 270 kick these days.
I pick up the package from the Post office Today, and will use/test both knives for a week , then have them back on the road.
Thanks Jim for the opportunity!
Quick update, I shipped the knives yesterday. The package on it's way to johnstoc(OR).
I spent a little time with them and hand delivered them to Pleue. I've got a few pics and have need to type up my thoughts.
I never wrote my thoughts because I keep forgetting. Next time I'm in front of a computer I'll try to remember.
In this 17-page thread I could find only one relatively brief review. I'm very interested in this knife and would love to see what the passaround folks have to say about it.
I have them currently, been using them at my work and so far so good. Who's next in line?
ramenlegend (oh)
daveb (fl)
dardeau (la)
zwiefel (tx)
cclin (ca)
johnstoc (or)
pleue (or)
gavination (or)
-second round-
MyScarGo (or)
BeerChef (va)
Labor of love(la)

I believe this is the current list. And Gavination said he is in Portland as well.
Give me a couple of days, I'll get something ip
Can one of you guys that have played with this please please please give some feedback; I have just noticed the weight of this knife and am wondering if the heft of it is going to be something I might really like (have been eyeing Maxim's Toyama for the same reason).
Toyama will be quite a different beast, it is taller, longer, thicker at the spine, and overall heavier (excluding handle). Grind is also different where Toyama will be mostly convex grind and Sakura a wide bevel knife grind, however, both are fairly thin at the edge.
It's on it's way to the next guy now (beerchef) after some delays and cancellations. FYI one of them is a little loose where the tang and handle meet. I'll post my thoughts shortly but enjoyed my time with them.
Thanks for the comments Dave and Schanop; I have much to ponder as someone else threw up Watanabe as a comparison. Wonder if James would passaround Oz when it comes back home, nudge, nudge, wink wink....
Ok, here we go. I wouldn't say it is anything like a Watanabe, either in profile or feel. These are much shorter at the heel, much shorter in length, much pointier at the tip, and much lighter. If i had to compare it to anything it would be the Sakai Ichimonji wide beveled gyuto I sold to eCherub a while back. The bevels had a similar height, more along the lines of a Konosuke Fujiyama than a Heiji or a KU Watanabe.

I didn't like the k-tip at all, it felt strange and short. I was also pretty nervous about the tip on this one, as it was really thin, borderline too thin. All around it was just not my cup of tea.

The gyuto I did like, much like I liked the Ichimonji, but it didn't fit my cutting style as well as some other knives. The handles, though beautiful, also bothered me a little as I am used to ho handles and it kind of threw the balance off for me. The sayas on the other hand were awesome, and made me wish i was better at making sayas.

I think these are really well made and high quality knives, in some ways more knife than I need or want in my everyday life. That being said, if these were sold with plain ho handles to shift the weight forward I would probably buy one.
Very excited to get to try these out soon. Can we maybe put together an updated list of who is in and who is out so I can ship it out as quickly as possible. Not sure when I will receive the knives with no tracking number but I will be out of town from the 26th to 29th and I don't want to add to the already long wait this Passaround has become.
OneS, if you want its heft at the same level as Heiji, Toyama, and Watabe 240mm, there is an option to get Sakura in 270mm version. Then heft and blade weight wise should be in the same ballpark and the main difference between Toyama and Sakura would be just grind and style: wide bevel grind, or convex grind.

Sakura handle is quite heavier than ho wood, so take into account ho wood handle weight difference when judging.