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    • Edge
      Edge reacted to Culverin's post in the thread Scam Stuff? More I Need To Learn? with Like Like.
      Thank you so much for the feedback guys. I hate scammers. Will link to this thread in the future so newbies don't get victimized.
    • Edge
      Edge reacted to Heckel7302's post in the thread KKF counts to a million with Like Like.
      7,196 Interesting. Did some OG mod come up with the list of banned words or is it some sort of auto filter with the words chosen by...
    • Edge
      Edge replied to the thread KKF counts to a million.
      Hmmm, Edgelord? or would that be EdgeLord, or maybe even Lord Edge. That has a nice ring to it. And a universal censor was added in...
    • Edge
      Edge reacted to esoo's post in the thread KKF counts to a million with Like Like.
      7193 Let's just keep posting about pineapple pizza and we'll see how soon he becomes a profanity professional.
    • Edge
      Edge replied to the thread Hello.
      Good day. Please reply to the PM and let me know your original name and I can work with you on getting your original account...
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