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    • G
      Nice hell height. Is this shirogami 1? Apologies if it’s written in the kanji, I’m terrible at reading it. Awesome job on that handle, too.
    • G
      g-unit reacted to SwampDonkey's post in the thread Knife findings with Haha Haha.
      Step 1) gather competitors' addresses from pass arounds and BST dealings Step 2) Sabotage electrical and/or plumbing simultaneously...
    • G
      g-unit reacted to JayS20's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      It's just unnecessary condescending and snobby behaviour. I think it's sad that OP gets ridiculed for callig it out and it speaks volumes.
    • G
      g-unit reacted to blokey's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Just got my mountaineer too, love their stuff, properly thin cutting tool not sharpened pry bar like so many outdoor knives
    • G
      g-unit replied to the thread Knife findings.
      Excellent knives. Really nice F&F on these. I just got my custom Classic in a few days ago. Lovely knife, though the cutting edge was a...
    • G
      g-unit reacted to blokey's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Adventure Sworn has some nice knives in stock
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