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  1. Mariner

    The End Game Knife

    I think within high-end knives, the only time somebody is going to tell you there's an end-game knife is when they also happen to have one to sell you.
  2. Mariner

    Vitrified Diamond #400 & #3000 Passaround

    The stones are currently back with me; they'll go to a few more people for testing locally.
  3. Mariner

    Review: Eddworks "Absolutely Nothing"

    Sure, here's a picture of my bank account after the purchase:
  4. Mariner

    Review: Eddworks "Absolutely Nothing"

    I just bought a thousand dollars worth of hardness testing files. None of them are successfully scratching this knife!
  5. Mariner

    Review: Eddworks "Absolutely Nothing"

    The knife I'm reviewing is from @eddworks and has its original product page here: The knife fits perfectly onto my board and matches perfectly the colors of my cutting boards. For the price ($1), it's really got to be one of the best pieces...
  6. Mariner

    Unpopular opinions

  7. Mariner

    No Serious Desire for Gyutos/Most Knifes Now

    I've heard similar things from many people who first gained serious interest back in 2019-2021. It may be as simple as things cooling down economically and the market catching up. In that sense, it seems a golden era has passed and so people lose interest and move on elsewhere. That's a fairly...
  8. Mariner

    Shipping to Sweden from US

    Did they charge you after-the-fact? If so, call their number and dispute it. They tried to pull the same stunt with me within the U.S.
  9. Mariner

    Unpopular opinions

    [shakes angry first in late Roman republic]
  10. Mariner

    What started the workhorse craze?

    As far as working definition goes, I tried to come up with a data-based definition back in ~2019 using common knives and looking for instances where multiple people referred to it as either a "workhorse" or "laser":
  11. Mariner

    Blade Show Atlanta 2024

    It's about 90% non-chef knives. That said, it's a pretty neat event for meeting makers and checking out their stuff. My favorite contingent of makers to speak to are the Brazilians who tend to cluster nearby in the main ballroom; they are a lot of fun to speak with and always bring fun pieces to...
  12. Mariner

    How To Get Dope Customs

    One observation I'll point out is that the nature of forums (and Instagram, and Discord and...) is that folks tend to mistake strong relationships with throwing around money without asking questions. They see these guys with massive collections and assume dollars buy clout. On Reddit, we had...
  13. Mariner

    Unpopular opinions

    Unfortunately that happened to me, from a KKF craftsman sponsor as well (to clarify, not a current sponsor and not an active maker anymore from what I can tell).
  14. Mariner

    r/chefknives NEEDS to return

    I'm disappointed you don't have faith in me to come up with a novel, cringey Green Day reference. Wake Me Up When KKF's Funding Ends?
  15. Mariner

    Vitrified Diamond #400 & #3000 Passaround

    I think your conclusion nails it and I agree with the $150 price point. That’s about 1.5x the coarsest Nanohone cost, and this one cuts much faster.
  16. Mariner

    The Jiro Users Thread

    People also complain about "frozen vanilla desert" not technically being ice cream, which I think is a valid thing to point out despite the manufacturer and vendor never claiming it was.
  17. Mariner

    The Jiro Users Thread

    Given the context ("Natural whetstone, hand sharpening finish. No chemicals used."), I suspect he's talking about using nugui or an industrial abrasive solution on the main bevel and indicating he didn't do a powder, buffed, or etched finish.
  18. Mariner

    Unpopular opinions

    While learning Dutch, I once accidentally tried asking "may I pet your cat?" as mag ik jouw kat vrijen? (it turns out that the Dutch-English dictionary I used put the wrong sense of "pet" first instead of the more tame aanhalen or aaien)
  19. Mariner

    Unpopular opinions

    Careful, this sounds mean-spirited and poor journalistic practice.