185mm gyuto

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  1. MSicardCutlery

    SOLD MSicard Cutlery 185mm 26c3 Gyuto

    Hello All, This knife was originally a 250mm honyaki, and during the straightening process it decided it wanted to become a 185mm blade...so...here we are. I wasn't thrilled with the quality of the hamon, so I didn't bother doing any fine hand finishing, but there is indeed a hamon and this is...
  2. MSicardCutlery

    SOLD MSicard Cutlery 185mm Mizu Honyaki Gyuto Semi-Custom

    Hello All, This project has been a long time coming. Water quenching honyaki has an extremely steep learning curve and I have broken many many blanks over the last 3 years trying to succeed, but I finally managed it! The ashi seem to have a different character to them with a water quench vs an...