Looking to buy a yanagi in 30cm length. I am an avid pescetarian and slice fish a lot. But I also have a part time weekend job as sushi chef. Looking for white steel.
I was about to go with the tojiro white 2 30cm yanagi but then I started reading all this stuff about it not being flat and...
Been a sushi chef for a little while and want a yanagi. Question is length.
The 270mm will be easier to control and sharpen, and keep straight, however..
I've heard people swear by the extra 300mm length saying they end up using the full thing... Cons: Harder to keep straight, and sharpening...
BNIB Rare Yu Kurosaki Aogami 2 Mirror Finish Yanagiba 300mm with Ebony + Double blonde horn & nickel silver spacer. Item ship from ACT, Australia.
Yu Kurosaki only makes a few of these big boys. This knife is 100% Brand new. Never been used, never been on a stone nor a strop, never even cut a...