Another Cleaver ID question

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Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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This has been answered butt I can't find it, so here it is again! I bought a cleaver from the local Asian super store and would like to know who made it. It looks very much like a CCK, but the stamp on the blade starts with "Extra", and the logo on the handle is a globe with a tiger rampant on each side.
I use this to chop up chicken thighs to supplement my dogs kibble. It has a nice edge and seem to hold it quite well while whacking away!
OK, here ya go!

Does look very similar to my cck...but I like the rounded corners of yours.

Does look very similar to my cck...but I like the rounded corners of yours better. Other than that, sorry I'm not a help.

spike: sorry! the stamp on the cleaver's blade is too small & blurry..:( I can only identify two letters "地球" which mean "earth". the blue print letters are "#2 small meat cleaver"
I bet it is Tim Leung Chopper from HK/AU.

Yep, the two tigers/globe/EXTRA is a Leung Tim "CHOPPERS" trademark. I have a stainless slicing cleaver from them, 15 bucks. Steel is pretty good, considering the price.
I got this one at FuBonn in SE Portland.
Is there any online retailers that might sell these, or any of the super cheap cleavers? We don't have any Asian grocers around here, as that seems where most people purchase them. I'm looking for one for a project I have in mind, and I use my CCK too much to mess it up. One of these 15/20$ deals would fit the bill perfectly.

TIA ~joe
Have you done a google search for cheap chinese cleavers? Or maybe chinese kitchen supplies?
^ thanks. Exactly what I was looking for. At that price, I might as well buy two, lol. I think my mom needs one