B- Day Board!!

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HHH Knives

Senior Member
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
USA, Michigan
WOHOOO!!! Guess what the UPS guy dropped off!!

My new B-Day Board from Dave at Boardsmith. First I gota say Dave is a great guy and I want to Thank him again for the opportunity to get this beautiful board.

Here she is, Mahogany trim and end grain maple.. Its a HUGE beautiful cutting surface. 24X18" surface.. I knew it was gona be BIG but was actually surprised at the footprint this thing takes up on a counter!!! Currently its living on the stove.. But knowing myself and my family.. Thats just not the best place for it or going to be its permanent home.

Its so nicely made. I just want to keep it pristine and use it as a NEW backdrop for my kitchen knives!!
I still have not been able to make myself cut on it yet. But I have plans this weekend to get it dirty!!

Thanks again Dave and Happy B Day KKF! This forum as well as you guys are the best bunch of knife nuts on the net!

Cool knives, cool board - looks like a great combination ;)
Great looking board, can't wait till I get mine. I'm feeling a little board envy at the moment.
I'm surprised that middle knife didn't make a divot. I would have been scared to put that on there.:scared2:

It shows that the board has such craftsmanship and can stand all that weight.
So let me get this straight. Dave's boards have the ability to fight off Zombie Buschef knives as well as being works of art? :biggrin:
Dave's boards are all that and more!!

I received my board butter. (thanks Dave) So im gona add a few coats to the board and then I may be able to break down and cut some stuff on it! :)
Randy: Dave pretreats the boards, so you could have already started using it! Make sure you have some mineral oil on hand, as I've found it helpful to oil the board after using it a few times. Then I follow that with a BoardButter treatment.
Randy: Dave pretreats the boards, so you could have already started using it! Make sure you have some mineral oil on hand, as I've found it helpful to oil the board after using it a few times. Then I follow that with a BoardButter treatment.

I think Randy is having the same problem my relatives are. The boards are so beautiful, it's really hard to use them for the first time.
Dave's boards are all that and more!!

I received my board butter. (thanks Dave) So im gona add a few coats to the board and then I may be able to break down and cut some stuff on it! :)

Hello Folks. First post and it is going to be a question.

How long did you have to wait for this board, from date of purchase to when it arrives at your door.

I purchased mine and the wait is killing me.
Hello omnigear.. I cant speak as to how long a it takes to get a custom board or one that is special ordered etc. But I think that it will be worth the wait!! I love mine!

I will say that this board was a stock board that was already made and I placed my request with Dave and the delivery time and customer service was great!

Again Thanks Dave and thanks KKF for a great first year!!
Thanks for the quick reply.

The one I purchased was a standard mahogany board. I don't think it is a stock item.

I'll try to send a PM to David now that I have two post.
I know Dave has been super busy lately (last I heard he had around 50 boards on his list). All his boards are made to order, unless he's doing a special give away. That being said, I've been waiting almost 2 months, and the wait is killing me as well. I know it's worth it, which is making the wait even harder :D. Just have to remind myself, "be patient!"
I know Dave has been super busy lately (last I heard he had around 50 boards on his list). All his boards are made to order, unless he's doing a special give away. That being said, I've been waiting almost 2 months, and the wait is killing me as well. I know it's worth it, which is making the wait even harder :D. Just have to remind myself, "be patient!"
Ditto :biggrin:
Just have to remind myself, "be patient!"

I will take and post a couple of pictures this week sometime of the black walnut board that recently arrived on my doorstep.

It's ridiculous. Worth every penny and definitely worth waiting for.
I will take and post a couple of pictures this week sometime of the black walnut board that recently arrived on my doorstep.

It's ridiculous. Worth every penny and definitely worth waiting for.

Looking forward to the pics. I agree there is no other. Boardsmith is it.
I think my custom took about 6 weeks, but Dave wasn't as busy at that time. Apparently he sold out his stock at Christmas and has been trying to catch up again.
Just submitted my order for a Magnum 432 in maple. Now I feel like one of the characters in "Casablanca". I wait, and wait, and wait, and wait...:waiting: