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my dr. says I have the heart of a 80 year old, does that count? lol

Doesn't count. As far as feeling older, when you are up to it, I guess we will have to start going back to the gym. I am trying to convince my gf, the youngster, to go. Well, at 43 she is a youngster to me. Dating the young ones, btw, just makes you feel older - rather play with kids my own age. When I was waiting for the rumored White Album to come out, she was being born...

SA: like the new bears. sort of liked the old ones too.
Doesn't count. As far as feeling older, when you are up to it, I guess we will have to start going back to the gym. I am trying to convince my gf, the youngster, to go. Well, at 43 she is a youngster to me. Dating the young ones, btw, just makes you feel older - rather play with kids my own age. When I was waiting for the rumored White Album to come out, she was being born...

SA: like the new bears. sort of liked the old ones too.
that's a bear and a wolf. They made friends in the wild
So anybody bringing anything to buy , sell, trade?.....i love me a good swap meet.....if they r i am thinking about bringing some Carter damascus neck knives, some big old cleaners, etc.....anybody bringing anything?.....vie gotten some go od deals at other ECG's.....i love tradi ng selling and buying!
I am bringing a knife (freebee) for your friend.

I will try get 2-3 of my knives finished to bring along to show.

I will be bring knives, a few I may be willing to trade or sell
I'm bringing a couple knives just to let people play around with something they might not have. (Gengetsu, Rottman, Harner laser petty). None are for sale though, Ryan :viking:

Marko, are those 2-3 are going to be for sale?
Yeah, and some stuff to sell probably. Anything in particular you folks want to buy?
Dam I'm not going and I am excited. Hope someone can post some footage of some cool stuff there.
Shoot, now I feel like my normal picnic contribution some sour cream & onion potato chips and a bag of Doritos may be a little inadequate for this gathering :surrendar:
It seems to me like Matt, tkern, and John have this covered... Is there anything you want people, who aren't chefs, to bring, Mano?

We'd planned on making scones, but since we are driving up on Friday morning it is doubtful they will be very good on Sunday. Now thinking about making a couple batches of biscotti tomorrow, as that travels pretty well. Might have to think about making a loaf of bacon-cheese bread as well...
I'm smoking a pork butt for pulled pork sandwiches and have 8 turkey legs for confit to go in tacos. Beer + sangria = happy drinking.

Andrew, maybe something sweet or healthy?
Sweet I can do. Healthy.... I think Travis has that covered with the 5lbs of bacon.
Really, all you gents have to bring are your knives, skills and sterling personalities.
if i amke it i look to be later afternoon
i may have to jsut send some knives out ad let you guys handle them that is if i can get a person to babysit them