Flooding in North East - OT

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Marko Tsourkan

Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
We were expecting a major rain and I was water-proofing my basement shop this past week. However, the flooding happened anyway and I got about an inch of water in my shop. I spent another (Sunday was the first one) day removing water and cleaning.

Luckily, no damage was done to my tools to wood. I have a pretty powerful exhaust fan running non-stop to dry the place and I am monitoring humidity (not building up luckily). A serious conversation is due with my landlord and I might have to look for another workshop.

Nothing compares to earthquake and tsunami tragedy in Japan, but it has seriously messed up my work schedule this week.

I apologize to folks I owe work and will get back to work tomorrow. Should have 5 handles done over this weekend.
