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That looks awesome. I would definitely hang that in my house
After a practice piece this one is for the money. Just started this 40x40 commissioned piece.

This will be my first and last. I don't like painting what people tell me to paint. You know what I mean?

Cool man...those oils you did are not even close to being done :) A good oil painter will layer hundreds of layers to get the color to pop...But if the customer is happy buying a simple under-painting, take the money and run.

Yes mania and painting is a good hobby. I do it myself. Currently not doing oil, because I've got some acrylics to use, but I honestly hate them. They don't flow or layer, they are difficult to apply a transparent layer. You really shouldn't be smoking next to an open turpentine can.
No **** Sherlock. (No offense)
I usually have several going to allow for dry time, "layering" etc. Not to mention I get bored.

I recently embraced oils. I was a watercolor guy first, then acrylics. I didn't have the patience for oils but it turned out to be my favorite.