JNATS from Maxim not flat

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FWIW I'm pretty new to J-nats as well. So far I've gotten stones from two different sources. Both were flat when I got them, although Watanabe did state very clearly on his website that only some were pre-flattened with an offer to flatten others for a charge.

If not for this thread I would have expected flat stones to be the norm because the other source came flat without discussion. I now know better.

A few folks have mentioned j-nat auctions...am I missing out on something? A PM to a source would be appreciated because it appears I've fallen down the stone AND knife rabbit hole...
Auction is prob referring to ebay sellers. I would be reluctant to go there for stones or knives but they can save a little coin and I've heard of remarkably few problems with them.
most people in japan don't use ebay

they use yahoo Auctions

it's totally random on whether a stone is good or bad

FWIW I'm pretty new to J-nats as well. So far I've gotten stones from two different sources. Both were flat when I got them, although Watanabe did state very clearly on his website that only some were pre-flattened with an offer to flatten others for a charge.

If not for this thread I would have expected flat stones to be the norm because the other source came flat without discussion. I now know better.

A few folks have mentioned j-nat auctions...am I missing out on something? A PM to a source would be appreciated because it appears I've fallen down the stone AND knife rabbit hole...
Following this thread has been an interesting read. I've got a couple few nats and like to use them when I want and have time for the zen of sharpening. I don't expect them to be ready to use from a retailer unless noted as such and even have a preference for buying nats used from someone that knows how to prep them. I joked once that I buy all my nats from Asterger's culls. While a bit of an exaggeration it does have an element of truth to it.

But this "not flat" vs "ready to use" discussion seems to be industry wide. While it started as a candid discussion of some of Maxim's offerings it's moved on and I'm not sure it's appropriate to call out Maxim in the title. What do our participating members think? DB
Following this thread has been an interesting read. I've got a couple few nats and like to use them when I want and have time for the zen of sharpening. I don't expect them to be ready to use from a retailer unless noted as such and even have a preference for buying nats used from someone that knows how to prep them. I joked once that I buy all my nats from Asterger's culls. While a bit of an exaggeration it does have an element of truth to it.

But this "not flat" vs "ready to use" discussion seems to be industry wide. While it started as a candid discussion of some of Maxim's offerings it's moved on and I'm not sure it's appropriate to call out Maxim in the title. What do our participating members think? DB

I think that every time some one has a bad review of one of the vendors here people try to protect them. We are all aldults and can figure out from reading that it isn't just Maxim's stones. But it seems like don't say anything negative about vendors the vendors.
I think that every time some one has a bad review of one of the vendors here people try to protect them. We are all aldults and can figure out from reading that it isn't just Maxim's stones. But it seems like don't say anything negative about vendors the vendors.

There is good reason for that. Negative comments have an unfortunate tendency to be reposted, quite often out of context, and can propagate wildly. For example, I suspect that the oft repeated "fact" that Shun knives are "chippy" may have been made once, and then picked up and repeated by those who had absolutely no experience with Shuns until it became something that everyone just accepted as true. The same may well happen to a single negative comment about a vendor or knife maker. For this reason, I feel that the best policy is to follow the rule of thumb, "Praise in public; Criticize in private". Remember that we are dealing with a person's livelihood here.

There is good reason for that. Negative comments have an unfortunate tendency to be reposted, quite often out of context, and can propagate wildly. For example, I suspect that the oft repeated "fact" that Shun knives are "chippy" may have been made once, and then picked up and repeated by those who had absolutely no experience with Shuns until it became something that everyone just accepted as true. The same may well happen to a single negative comment about a vendor or knife maker. For this reason, I feel that the best policy is to follow the rule of thumb, "Praise in public; Criticize in private". Remember that we are dealing with a person's livelihood here.


Also I think if it is what the majority feel is fare constructive criticism then we here are happy to have it voiced. If it isn't then don't get defensive if we say we disagree and maybe you shouldn't expect certain things perfect or whatever the response is to.

The OP has the right to his opinion. But in having that right we all do also. So if we disagree we have the right to voice it.

All constructive and open and good hearted.
daveb, if the Thread title comes across as too direct and you do not find it in line of what the intended point was, I think it would be OK to change it. Still - I would give Krakorak the chance to express his opinion about that first.
Personally, I think if the topic is directed at Maxim, it should have been addressed to him in a private email, not the KKF planet.

Otherwise, what usually happens is what occupies the four pages above, and without the vendor having the appropriate opportunity to respond to the issue, which is in private.

Maxim is very responsive to queries and issues, and he should have the opportunity to do just that before an inexperienced purchaser with possibly unrealistic expectations smears an issue across KKF.

I was, and still am, an inexperienced purchaser in many ways, but I took the time to ask questions privately while I was gathering knowledge. The OP did not do this. I prefer a more personal approach, but that's me.
To answer the question, yes, all Jnats need to flattened. The degree of flatness OOTB varies, but the secondary benefit of flattening is to remove the layer of built up contaminants in the surface from decades of storage in a range of conditions. It's a little like giving a new knife a fresh edge to take away the initial brittleness that some arrive with.

Enjoy your new stones!!
Sorry for my nonreactivity during the last two days, but first it was weekend and second I feel that my English is quite poor to express precisely everything that what I would exactly like to express...it costs a lot of time and energy, particularly because it seems to me that my primary intention and point is still misinterpreted by some of you, although I and Matus as well have already made several attempts to clarify things...First, I didn't expect that such a rather passionate discussion will develop from the quite harmless original post...but I still like that almost all of the contributions were "on topic", in the sense it was inteded by me originally - i.e. a more generall discussion about the flattness of naturals, in that sense I am really happy that there was such a feedback and probably it was useful not only for me but for some other people as well, in terms of what they can/should expect when buying a natural stone, even en expensive one...That is the results which is REALLY important for me!

And as regards the rest - the title problem, raised by Daveb - although I intended the thread to become a more general discussion and it also evolved in that direction finally, what is good, I don't think its necesarry to change the title, I still believe that a mention that I got some naturals from Maxim is nothing but a pure fact, no dehonestation or something like this and I also repeatedly expressed that my intention was not detract Maxim...But I can hardly do anything with the fact that some people still see a little bit "red" when a name of a vendor here is mentioned here even in the slightest negative way...This sometimes almost "blind" tendency here to protect vendors and to treat them almost like they would be untouchable gods is by the way maybe the only thing that I dislike on KKF...I have currently found a nice new German knife forum and one particular thing which I liked there was the absence of this "blind" belief to anybody - Germans are generally very thorough people who pay attention to every detail and when having a problem, they usually go up to the core of it; which makes them generally very critical...I lived in Germany for a year and still have lively contacts to some people there due to my work...and I had to prepare REALLY well every time I did something for them, no shallowness would be tolerated...They have no exaggerative respect against "capaties" which is great!

Back to the topic - if you, Daveb, feel, the title should better be changed anyway, then do it, I won't have any problem with it...

What I liked for instance, was the post of jmgray:"I think that every time some one has a bad review of one of the vendors here people try to protect them. We are all aldults and can figure out from reading that it isn't just Maxim's stones. But it seems like don't say anything negative about vendors the vendors." - particularly the sentence "We are all adults and can figure out from reading that it isn't just Maxim's stones" - everybody who has read the thread at least a bit thoroughly, had the opportunity to build a critical opinion about that what was said...And although I understand also the point of for instance Pensacola Tiger (post. Nr. 36) and his example with the Shuns, his mention that "Remember that we are dealing with a person's livelihood here" seems to be exaggerated to me - the hypothetical expactation that threads like this could threaten Maxim's livelihood seriously, given that people have read the thread at least a bit, really doesn't seem to be probable to me:)..as jmgray said, we are adult and reasonable people which are able to build their opinions...Think first, then act...I also don't eat in McDonald only because I see a billboard on every corner how great it purportedly is...I also critically think about it first and then decide what I will do, that I will not do so...That's just a parallel to the Shun example...And if people don't use their brains actively although they have them and only passively copy what they have seen or heard around...that's sad but its hard to help them...

Finally, I can only sign the contribution of malexthekid: "Also I think if it is what the majority feel is fare constructive criticism then we here are happy to have it voiced. If it isn't then don't get defensive if we say we disagree and maybe you shouldn't expect certain things perfect or whatever the response is to.

The OP has the right to his opinion. But in having that right we all do also. So if we disagree we have the right to voice it.

All constructive and open and good hearted."

Really well written, that says it all!:thumbsup:
Sorry for my nonreactivity during the last two days, but first it was weekend and second I feel that my English is quite poor to express precisely everything that what I would exactly like to express...


Really well written, that says it all!:thumbsup:

For someone who claims to lack a command of the English language, you are quite proficient my friend. Well spoken!

I second, good discussion all around.
Thanks, but it cost me almost 2 hours of my life to write that single post:)..Not necesarilly because I wouldn't be able to it faster SOMEHOW, but I am a perfectionist, so I didn't want to answer only "somehow", but really tried to express my thoughts as precisely as possible, because I feeled the need to do so...

By the way, one of the profits I took from the daily reading of KKF in the past about 4 years is the improvement of my English; my first foreign language was ever German which I can really well, but my English (particularly the active one) was ever quite terrible, at least for my expectations, some trivial phrases plus some learned typical phrases from reading scientific papers, but here I learned a lot of phrases from let's say "normal life" and they appear in my mind now much more spontaneously and intuitively than it was the case earlier...
Yep and your German is also awesome good ! ;))