Knives with Baker Forge Bronze-mascus /gomai pattern

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Jul 16, 2021
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Have you seen anyone offering knives with their Bronze Go-mai Chevron pattern or something similar? I think Fingal Ferguson has a lovely run some time back along those lines (photo from him below) but haven't been able to find anything with this sort of zigzag pattern since. Thanks!
There’s several makers that work with Baker Forge billets - JR Layos springs to mind. If you check out past Baker Forge posts on IG whenever they share pics of knives they always call out the maker as well.

You can also just buy one of their billets then find a maker to turn it into a knife for you.
There’s several makers that work with Baker Forge billets - JR Layos springs to mind. If you check out past Baker Forge posts on IG whenever they share pics of knives they always call out the maker as well.

You can also just buy one of their billets then find a maker to turn it into a knife for you.
That's what I did. I picked out a billet and Newham made this custom.
