masamoto kk yanagiba

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2015
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forgive me guys if im posting this in the wrong section or this has been explained before. I used the search button but could not find anything on the knife. Im looking to purchase a masamoto kk 270mm yanagiba. I wanted to get some feedback and see what you guys thought of the knife, f&f and so on.Im a huge fan of blonde ferrules lol dont ask why i just am and i like the idea of the saya coming with it. Also on my radar is the white 2 fu rin ka zan yanagiba from japanese chefs knife. Thank you again for your time guys and sorry if im in the wrong area.
I have owned knives from the KS, HS and HA but never KK.

I thought that the grind is generally pretty good. The finish is okay but nothing fanciful but these are practical knives used by professionals. They have a huge reputation and in my opinion, they are a safe bet. On a separate note, your skills to sharpen and maintain the knife is just as important.
Hey Pete, unless there is a reason you are only looking at the KK, you might do better by filling out the which knife should I buy questionnaire and seeing what comes up within the variables you find important. BTW, no experience w/ KK here either. Also suggest using Google search for this site to get better results...something like masamoto kk.

I believe the KK is Masamoto's lower end Yanagiba, of coarse it could still be a quality blade. Couple options in that range are Gesshin Uraku at JKI. Another is the Tesshu line at A-Frames. He has a 270mm Blue 1 - $ 230.00.

I really liked my Aritsugu Aoko 270mm bought from him about 7 years ago. 263.00 but he does not have in stock now.
thanks guys im pretty sure im gonna go with the gesshin uraku. All signs point there and jons quick and informative responses were great
I'd think of the KK as a knife that hasn't been opened. The edge is going to need a lot more work than a KS. I have never owned a KK just because I find the KS line is a better value considering the amount of work a KK can need. Of course this really depends on your level of experience and how much time and effort you want to put into a knife. Either way the Masamoto is a solid choice.
I am also very interested in the kk yanagi.

I am currently trying to decide between gesshin uraku and masamoto kk.

Masamoto kk is about $60-$70 more expensive.

if both knives came opened, which one would you choose and why?
I am also very interested in the kk yanagi.

I am currently trying to decide between gesshin uraku and masamoto kk.

Masamoto kk is about $60-$70 more expensive.

if both knives came opened, which one would you choose and why?

Since I don't currently own a yani I would be in the same boat as you. Personally I would choose the Uraku. I've owned Masamotos (ks) and they needed some work. If you buy the Uraku you would know that the knife came set up to use (properly). If you buy the Masamoto you can be pretty sure it won't be set up properly. Best part of the Uraku is buying from Jon who is in the states, extremely knowledgeable and personally will open your blade. Most important thing you get from Jon is quality control and service:)

Since I don't currently own a yani I would be in the same boat as you. Personally I would choose the Uraku. I've owned Masamotos (ks) and they needed some work. If you buy the Uraku you would know that the knife came set up to use (properly). If you buy the Masamoto you can be pretty sure it won't be set up properly. Best part of the Uraku is buying from Jon who is in the states, extremely knowledgeable and personally will open your blade. Most important thing you get from Jon is quality control and service:)


I talked to Jon as well. He said he was willing to open my Uraku for free if I was not in a hurry. If i wanted to get it done quickly though, I would have to pay since they are pretty backed up right now according to him.

If you read my question carefully, I asked which one would you pick if they were both opened. I heard that KK is not very refined and needs a professional or a very skilled individual to open it. Once opened though, it should be nice.
I talked to Jon as well. He said he was willing to open my Uraku for free if I was not in a hurry. If i wanted to get it done quickly though, I would have to pay since they are pretty backed up right now according to him.

If you read my question carefully, I asked which one would you pick if they were both opened. I heard that KK is not very refined and needs a professional or a very skilled individual to open it. Once opened though, it should be nice.

I read your question carefully but didn't respond clearly enough. If Jon were the person who opened both knives then I would still choose the Uraku because it would have undergone better quality control before it got to your hands. If Jon opened only the Uraku I would bet that it was done properly, just having a knife opened does not mean it is done correctly. There is a good reason Jon is backed up:)


If you desire a Masamoto, save money and buy a KS and then have a professional such as Jon open the knife for you.
I've owned Masamotos (ks) and they needed some work. If you buy the Masamoto you can be pretty sure it won't be set up properly.

This really has not been my experience, TBH I'm assuming this is a posting error. If you meant the Masamoto KK then I'd totally agree but you really shouldn't have these issues with a KS. Korin also offers Uraoshi for free or you can opt for other sharpening services. You are not going to have any issues getting a knife properly opened from either vendor.
As far as picking between the two I think it really gets down to personal preference. The Masamoto has the Cachet of being very traditional while the Uraku is coming from a dealer with a sterling reputation for service. Based on the price savings I'd go with the Uraku. I'd also agree with CC, If you want a Masamoto I'd save for the KS.
No matter what you pick I'd opt for 300mm.
This really has not been my experience, TBH I'm assuming this is a posting error. If you meant the Masamoto KK then I'd totally agree but you really shouldn't have these issues with a KS. Korin also offers Uraoshi for free or you can opt for other sharpening services. You are not going to have any issues getting a knife properly opened from either vendor.

Hi Dave,

Sorry I should have clarified that both of my experiences with the KS series have been with double bevel (gyutos) and they both had 'decent' fit & finish but were thick behind the edge. Handles on both were less than expected at this price point--thin for my tastes but uneven transition to the horn and felt cheapish. I guess depending on your expectations they may be fine out of the box but they seem to be very inconsistent. That said, I have not purchased one from Korin and maybe they get a different stock. I bought one from JCK and the other from Rakuten. Again, this may not apply at all to their single bevels so I should have noted that.

That makes complete sense. I've heard the same about the newer KS gyutos. With the single bevel KS I've not had any issues. I've never an issue with the handles on the KS either but I've heard some unfavorable comments about KS handles from one of the sellers you mentioned. There really does seem to be a a fair amount of sample variation from dealer to dealer.
BTW Any snow down there in NC? If not I'd be happy to send you some!:biggrin:

BTW Any snow down there in NC? If not I'd be happy to send you some!:biggrin:


NO Thanks! We had about two inches of wintry mix on Monday afternoon and school is out until next Monday! I personally love the stuff but our municipal services don't get enough practice. I actually think we should send them your way for the experience.

Thanks for clearing up the KS thoughts.

That makes complete sense. I've heard the same about the newer KS gyutos. With the single bevel KS I've not had any issues. I've never an issue with the handles on the KS either but I've heard some unfavorable comments about KS handles from one of the sellers you mentioned. There really does seem to be a a fair amount of sample variation from dealer to dealer.
BTW Any snow down there in NC? If not I'd be happy to send you some!:biggrin:


Hey Dave I rehandled a 240mm Masamoto KS Gyuto. It was a D handle with blond horn. Only problem was a gap at the tang water got in . When I knocked off the handle the tang was quite rusty. Of coarse if you put some epoxy in the gap will not have that problem. He liked the octagon Aboyna burl & blk,. horn I put on it.