Mister Strop

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2024
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I see people polishing their knives with a magic eraser but does anyone else (apart from me) use a magic eraser to strop their knives?
feels like it gives the blade an utterly wicked edge.
Not enough realestate for me, get yourself a suede paddle strop with 6-5 micron paste with performance boosts.
I've never seen someone put a finish on a knife with a magic eraser, but an interesting concept. I guess I could see stropping on one, but seems to me too soft and squishy for that use.
I've never seen someone put a finish on a knife with a magic eraser, but an interesting concept. I guess I could see stropping on one, but seems to me too soft and squishy for that use.
The squish means you’ll always have the perfect angle for your knife.
You can strop on anything. Coarse linen, old blue jeans. In "Lives of a Bengal Lancer" (1935) Gary Cooper strops his double-edge razor on the palm of his hand. I use and old leather belt, 48", loaded w/mink oil and held fairly slack. And prior to that I simply use my Zwilling 14" steel, now some 40 years old--first in the conventional way (edge toward me), then in reverse. My knives won't pass the paper towel test but they slice newsprint to beat the band, and they have never seen a stone.
Magic Eraser is just a melamine sponge. This shouldn't be hard enough to round the apex, just to deburr. @JBroida recommends a non-abrasive blue Scotch Brite pad for deburring so it's a proven method. It might be interesting to compare the two.
Tried melamine... breaks down too quick and is actually quite a bit harder than the blue non-scratch back sides.