Is this pitting in my carbon steel? Left it in some meat juices for a sec and guess there was salt?
What can I do abt it? Or is it fine and can I just leave it?
If a fingernail catches on it, it's pitting. If not, just some kind of patina.
Fine to leave it either way. If it is pitting, there's nothing to do since you can't add metal to the pits.
Pitting cannot occur that quickly. It’s just patina that could not cover the whole surface because of the salt grains being in contact with metal. Washing the knife (which I assume u already have) and using it will cover all those dots. The knife is fine, enjoy it!
It's the start of pitting. . .if you put it under a microscope you'll probably see something. But I wouldn't worry about it. It's that tiny, and as it is quite stable. Metal polish will get it off. The "pit" is more shallow than the grind marks for example.