Keijiro Doi the renowned Japanese blacksmith known for his meticulous craftsmanship. His knives are prized for their sharpness, balance!
Sakai tradition, making him a revered figure in the world of Japanese knifes.
For Sale: Three beautiful knives from the renowned Sakai Takayuki forge, crafted by the legendary Keijiro Doi and his colleague Kenji Togashi.
Weight: 220 gram
Hight: 35,6 mm
Thickness: 4.4mm
Sakai tradition, making him a revered figure in the world of Japanese knifes.
For Sale: Three beautiful knives from the renowned Sakai Takayuki forge, crafted by the legendary Keijiro Doi and his colleague Kenji Togashi.
- Yanagiba: €795 >> €745 (Doi)
Weight: 220 gram
Hight: 35,6 mm
Thickness: 4.4mm
- Usuba: €700 (Doi) SOLD!!
- Sushikiri: €375 >> €295,- (Togashi)
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