Still unsure of first stone for first knife?

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Active Member
Feb 29, 2020
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Hi all,

Received my first knife a few days ago, not yet used (and won't be using it for a couple of weeks still), as kitchen being remodeled and nowhere big to prep food on.

As my first intro knife I bought the following:

download (9).png
download (10).png
Looking for a good starter stone (double sided?), but have started reading about hardness of knife, length of stone - things I had considered before.

Just looking for some advice - threads I've read suggest most knives require sharpening before first use, but how would I tell if it is at its optimum beforehand?

Thanks in advance!
SHAPTON 1000!!!!

Yeah, it's a good starter stone because its fast, keeps flat, wears slowly, and you don't have to soak it. Very dependable and comes with a nifty case..
Thanks both, I've seen the Shaptons are pretty popular - no need for a 4000/5000 then?

Also, what is the general opinion on the Shapton 1000 glass stone?
Shapton Pro or Glass 1-2k (I personally like the Pro 2k) (splash and go). Cerax 1k (soaker). King Deluxe or Hyper 1-1.5k (soakers). Nanohone 1k (splash and go). Naniwa Pro/Chosera 800 (splash and go).
There is a 'If you could only have one stone' forum. Probably anything from there would be a decent first stone.
I made the mistake of using cheap Chinese stones initially. They didn’t teach wrong technique, but they were much slower at removing material and as a result the first few times I used my current stones (Gesshin set) I removed way more material than I needed to. This is not a recommendation of what to buy- it is a recommendation of what not to buy :)
Another vote for Shapton 1000. I have both pro and glass and use both a lot, but for different things. As a first stone I would go for the glass. It cuts fast enough that you can see results (which is a good thing when you’re beginning) - and it works pretty well as a finishing stone too (at least for some knives and for some uses of those knives).
Was considering King or Shapton Glass - what stone holder is recommended for the glass, it looks pretty thin?
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King Deluxe or Hyper 1k is a good beginner soaking stone. Shapton 1k, Pro/Kuromaku/Traditional or Glass, is a good splash and go. I'd lean towards the King for a beginner because it's a little softer. It'll be a little more forgiving with bad technique. Visually show you wrong angles by digging into the stone. Easy to lap. Not very expensive.

A generic generic stone holder will work fine. Or you can go all fancy if you wanted.
I'd recommend a king 1k.. even after years of testing out stones, I still use it. My other suggestion would be a chosera 1k, good amount more money though. Also, I wouldn't worry about a higher grit stone until you're consistently getting good results. The reason I say this is because you're basically going to be experimenting for years, remove as many variables as you can.
Was considering King or Shapton Glass - what stone holder is recommended for the glass, it looks pretty thin?
For my sg glass stones, and atomas, I broke a popsicle stick in half, I use the pieces like a booster seat, you can also use coins, but a popsicle stick works better.
I took Shapton 2k as my first stone...Still expecting it and already watching videos how to use it.
I wonder if I should buy Shapton 1k, too or I better go to a higher grade for polishing.
Ashamed to say it, but I have only 3 knives - 1 decent Takayuki Damascus VG10 and other 2 Damascus Solingen knives...
Bester 1k - cuts fast, doesn't dish quickly. Others have said Shapton and I do love my Shannon's but if you're only gonna have 1 stone for awhile I think the bester is the way to go.

Edit: just saw you already went for a king, excellent stone - that was actually my first as well.