Working the New Boner

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Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Tonight I spatchcocked a chicken with my new boner. Woo-Hoo! The knife does just what I hoped it would do, it allowed me to maneuver around the bird with alacrity and grace. I usually use snips to remove the backbone, butt this time I cut down the sides of the spine with the knife and it cut like it was butta! I don't normally remove the keel, butt after watching video of Pepin I went ahead and removed it too. After roasting I cut off the legs and thighs with the new knife and it was great for that too.
I'm starting on a veggy knife now!
Very nice! I'm wanting a special veggie and chicken knife for work these days. I do a lot of veggies and chicken.
1. What type of knife???
2. Pics or it didn't happen. lol
This one:

Nice! Love the sweep of the blade!
Thanks, Jim! I rounded the spine above the kanji then left it square from there to the tip so it can be used to scrape the bones where needed. The tip does a good job of getting into the joints as well.
Thanks, Jim! I rounded the spine above the kanji then left it square from there to the tip so it can be used to scrape the bones where needed. The tip does a good job of getting into the joints as well.

That is awesome. It sounds like the perfect chicken knife.

Do you like the edge toothy, or do you prefer a buffed, push-cutting edge for chicken? Personally, I like a toothier edge, because of all the slippery fat under membranes, but I wanted to know how you like it.
I finished the edge on a surgical black arkansas stone, then stropped on leather with green rouge. I didn't fret over the edge much, and it works really well for both the raw chicken and slicing through the crisp skin after roasting. It will pop hairs, butt is not buffed by any means!
I got to say this, my wife looked over my shoulder, and seen the title of your post, and almost spit her coffee on me! She's like "What kinda guys are these!" :headbonk::biggrin2:
Wasn't that jenna jameson first movie .spatchcock .. boner:jumping2:
I don't believe that I have seen her doing any boning........Butt what can you do in 30 minutes?
I am just not sure how I feel about Rachel Ray and boner used together. Now Miss Jameson on the other hand.... she can de-bone my chicken any time.