Eamon Burke knives.

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Do we have a volunteer with a paypal account who could act as bank for postage donations and money from the sale of the belts and stuff. Is that the best solution for that? or shall we just paypal Zweifel direct for shipping costs?

I'm no PayPal expert, but I would imagine that it's probably best to just paypal Zweifel for the shipping costs so there are no additional transaction fees that could potentially be assessed for any transfers of funds.
I was thinking we could do gifted payments in this instance and I think that would be valid and fair as they are donations, so there would be no fees. But we could just do payments direct to who needs it at the time.
I'm no PayPal expert, but I would imagine that it's probably best to just paypal Zweifel for the shipping costs so there are no additional transaction fees that could potentially be assessed for any transfers of funds.

I hadn't thought of that...darn good point.
The alternative would be for someone else to handle generating the postage labels and sending those to me. that would avoid a 2nd PayPal transaction as well.

Whatever you gentlepersons prefer.
You can make personal payments on paypal and mark it as a payment owed or a gifted payment. Then there are no fees. This would be a valid and acceptable application to use the gift function I feel.
That makes sense...otherwise, you are using a CC and PP has to pay fees for that to the CC company.
I thought Justin was implying that we'd set up the shipping labels ourselves and send them electronically to Zweifel...
I don't have anything in this but I'd like to help.

Zweifel, I'll take care of the gasoline expense. PM me with how much it cost you to drive there and back.
I don't have anything in this but I'd like to help.

Zweifel, I'll take care of the gasoline expense. PM me with how much it cost you to drive there and back.
Wow...I'm touched....not sure you want to pay for a V8 + 5 ton RV for 600ish miles.

How about 1-way?


I was able to get everything picked up tonight. I've taken photos of everything and will upload that when I get home, and start building an inventory spreadysheet.

One problem I've seen already....when merging Eamons list with the list we've compiled over the last few days, we have a total of 21 names for 15 knives.

I was able to get everything picked up tonight. I've taken photos of everything and will upload that when I get home, and start building an inventory spreadysheet.

One problem I've seen already....when merging Eamons list with the list we've compiled over the last few days, we have a total of 21 names for 15 knives.
he has a lot of our personal knives also, did he send those?
he has a lot of our personal knives also, did he send those?

Son, i got a number of your personal knives, including the one from Don Nguyen....and its spectacular.

I dont think there were any other knives belonging to anyone else....but im pretty tired...been going for 17 hours.
Son, i got a number of your personal knives, including the one from Don Nguyen....and its spectacular.

I dont think there were any other knives belonging to anyone else....but im pretty tired...been going for 17 hours.

danmm....where is my DT itk & Butch Harner gyuto??
Zweifel, thats amazing well done. I'll have a look to this list thing later, there can not be 21 names as the list was to 10 then it was extended to 15. Unless Eamon had started taking orders for a further batch, but I find this unlikely. I wonder if we have some forum names and peoples real names on the list.
Anything you need drop me a pm or email me. Cheers
I still have his emails to me notifying me of progress from last August. Unfortunately it doesn't mention anyone else on the list:/
Zwiefel, I don't have anything owed to me but I just wanted to say how cool it was for you to do this.
Also, you need to do a KKF roadtrip with that sweet RV!
This is exactly the type of response that prompted me to run the Tuxedo Gyuto giveaway. This is really a special place.
Zwiefel, I don't have anything owed to me but I just wanted to say how cool it was for you to do this.
Also, you need to do a KKF roadtrip with that sweet RV!

I'm planning to do exactly that. Going to head up to see Dave and take some sharpening lessons....maybe sees whoever is between little rock and Philly on ther way there and back.

Also, going to take it to vegas in Oct.

This is exactly the type of response that prompted me to run the Tuxedo Gyuto giveaway. This is really a special place.
it really is a special place, and I finally had a chance to contribute. Many thanks to TKern for paying for the fuel round-trip!

herea a quick teaser photo of the box after I went through everything last night. Will try to start in inventory spreadsheet tonight...was just too tired last night.

I added a second tab to the spreadsheet and started the inventory....did all the easy stuff, will need help with what most of the other stuff is. I'll post pics on tues/weds after I get home.
I have to chime in here along with the others. Strong work Zwiefel, and thanks for gassing up the RV tkern. In one fell swoop, 15 people have gotten closer to getting their knife, Son has some of his personal blades (almost) back, and Eamon has no doubt been relieved of a nagging burden (along with Will). It's an action that has had a lot of positive impact, and for that I thank you.

Btw, I like how there is a 10 dollar bill in the box too. I wonder who the owner of that is ;)

Nice work, guys. Loy's of quarter-finished handles in there, by the looks of it. I call the random pink rectangular thing. I remember sending that into him.
all of those cocobolo boards are mine, feel free to use them for whatever you need.
Son, i got a number of your personal knives, including the one from Don Nguyen....and its spectacular.

I dont think there were any other knives belonging to anyone else....but im pretty tired...been going for 17 hours.

Hey, Buddy
as a thank you for doing all of this, I would like you to have the Don Nguyen. I haven't had a chance to use it much but, I have his new one and it is the thickness I like. The one you have there is a laser I believe and once sharpened cuts like hell.
Again, thank you for doing this.