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    • 1dog
      1dog replied to the thread Customs.
      +1 for Lucid. he was my first custom and was really great to work with, super communicative and answered every question i had. really...
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to blokey's post in the thread 180mm gyuto/santoku thoughts with Like Like.
      Before I realize I got a collection of them now… from 165mm to 200mm
    • 1dog
      1dog replied to the thread 180mm gyuto/santoku thoughts.
      i suffer from a severe lack of space in my tiny nyc apartment, and i only cook for myself and my partner so no big meal preps here, but...
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to brownsugar69's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      so utterly beautiful wow
    • 1dog
      1dog replied to the thread Knife findings.
      some pretty twist gyutos from simon for raffle in a month from cutting edge. the price seems a bit brutal tho.
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to Just a DK's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Looks like the Tanaka tall B1's just got a upgrade! tall Tanaka AS! I love the cladding too.
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to simona's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      More likely a short suji - I have a shorter one from KJ - lovely bit of kit :)
    • 1dog
      1dog replied to the thread Knife findings. looks like a short suji/gyuto, listed under usuba like the other one. looks very clean
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to simona's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Mikami - the seller is listing it under the Usuba section, but it's definitely a santuko. Not many of these knocking around and it...
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to Blumbo's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      I’d probably give my spleen for one of these 💀
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to Scott's post in the thread SOLD Milan 135Cr3 Deep Etch 226mm with Like Like.
      Hi everyone, I really debated on releasing this knife. I absolutely enjoy all of Milan’s work so much so as confession, I even wrote...
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to M1k3's post in the thread What do you have on your wrist? with Like Like.
      *Bookmarks listing anyway*
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to M1k3's post in the thread What do you have on your wrist? with Like Like.
      I mean yeah, I could. But not today Mr. DIY Enabler.
    • 1dog
      1dog replied to the thread What do you have on your wrist?.
      not trying to derail but keychron makes reasonably nice boards for the price, especially if youre not interested in soldering. if you...
    • 1dog
      1dog reacted to Blumbo's post in the thread Show your newest knife buy with Like Like.
      I drank the juice, caved and got a custom Okubo 197x55mm Santoku. Though the spec requests ended up being more of a suggestion, and it...
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