Recent content by ReiHamono

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  1. ReiHamono

    WTS Maruoyama Ao Suita

    Some call it the Michael Jackson of natural stones
  2. ReiHamono

    WTS Wa Handles

    Great deals to be had
  3. ReiHamono

    WTS Fancy wood

    The fanciest
  4. ReiHamono

    Instagram can take its double standard and **** off

    I had mine lifted after appealing and I didn’t edit or delete anything. Some of the images were wood products as well. I’m not really sure how much longer until the next strike with eventually closure of my account? It may be necessary to move to a completely different platform entirely as...
  5. ReiHamono

    Knife findings

    The issue is that virtually all Japanese blacksmiths are backed up due to such high demand and many are also slowing down due to getting old and even looking to retire. For sharpeners it’s much worse as they are in very low supply and high demand. Many are old slowing down and prepared to...
  6. ReiHamono

    WTS Fancy wood

    Only the most amazing of woods
  7. ReiHamono

    WTS Wa Handles

    Time to upgrade that handle
  8. ReiHamono

    WTS Maruoyama Ao Suita

    I use these stones after 5k shapton to take out all of the remaining visible scratches
  9. ReiHamono

    WTS Nakayama Tomae Kitta

    Reaching for the peak?
  10. ReiHamono

    Hasegawa alternatives?

    I’m a big fan of the Hasagawa for the same reasons mentioned, but it does have some draw backs as mentioned. I have switched over to the Parker Asahi Black Pro Large 450mm x 250mm x 13mm 1.85kg. The board is incredibly unique in this case it’s a combination of rubber and wood powder. I have...
  11. ReiHamono

    WTS Nakayama Tomae Kitta

    $1,995 Nakayama Tomae Kitta 195mm x 73mm x 40mm 1350 grams Softness 4.7 Speed 4.9 Fineness 5.0 The finest and the fastest of stones while still being soft enough to use without nagura and easy to use for a hard fine stone.
  12. ReiHamono

    WTS Omoteyama Shiro Suita Habutae

    $1,845 Omoteyama Shiro Suita Habutae 205mm x 76mm x 41mm 1600 grams Softness 4.5 Speed 4.9 Fineness 4.9 Some of the finest yet easiest to use suita available. I find it almost as fine as a Nakayama suita however incredibly easier to use.
  13. ReiHamono

    WTS Wa Handles

    Only woods that need to be stabilized are stabilized, it’s not possible to stabilize all woods.