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    • sansho
      sansho reacted to pitted_soul's post in the thread Show your newest knife buy with Like Like.
      Wanted to show off this unique Ukranian gyuto made by Epsilon Forge aka Eugene Butmerchuk. He's a gifted knifemaker that I discovered by...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to WildBoar's post in the thread Paint befuddlement with Like Like.
      it will always dry to a different shade than it looks when wet. But the paint that is already on the walls has been weathering and...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to mpier's post in the thread Paint befuddlement with Like Like.
      It’s just a quart of paint, the actual suggestion is to get new paint.
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to sanmateo's post in the thread What are we watching lately? with Like Like.
      His wiki page says McGoohan was offered the role of James Bond several times, but declined, saying he found the character too morally...
    • sansho
      sansho replied to the thread What are we watching lately?.
      i'm a few eps in. not bad. the observatory with the guys on the see-saw scope is hilarious. old sci fi amuses me. in the ep where they...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to mengwong's post in the thread Unpopular opinions with Like Like.
      Confucius say, sometimes fit and finish requires refit and refinish Heraclitus say, no man can step into the same river twice Sushi...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to nhb22's post in the thread Unpopular opinions with Like Like.
      I get your point, but think it depends on how serious and how efficient the path has to be. It can potentially cause some...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to jacobwilder5's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Grind is wild on these. Looks like a deba from the the spine.
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to Molokai Livin''s post in the thread Knife findings with Wow Wow.
      270x60mm Nakagawa MagnaCut at Strata...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to mengwong's post in the thread Thermometers with Love Love.
      One more possibility… only for Asians in Asia we get to carry this guy and our friends will not mock us, instead they will admire and...
    • sansho
      sansho reacted to dchang21's post in the thread Thermometers with Like Like.
      i think we are mixing up these two brands..😅 milwaukee instruments milwaukee tools..
    • sansho
      sansho replied to the thread Thermometers.
      ah yeah, HK. so milwaukee is one of the biggest usa power tools companies. they're comparable to dewalt. both brands can be found in...
    • sansho
      sansho replied to the thread Thermometers.
      they're not what i think of for things like thermometers and pH measurement, but they're pretty good for normal power tools. if you're...
    • sansho
      sansho replied to the thread Thermometers.
      not sure, sorry. i have a milwaukee M12 unit with a K type TC port. i got it because it lets you adjust emissivity, and i am already...
    • sansho
      sansho replied to the thread Unpopular opinions.
      i've done tuna pizzas before. pretty good. i'd try that pizza, but i am skeptical of tuna+banana actually being good.
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