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    • sunn
      sunn replied to the thread Thinning Maboroshi.
      It really looks good. Don't overdo it and use it for what it's made. It's a tool. The low spots will fade with every sharpening session...
    • sunn
      sunn reacted to ethompson's post in the thread SOLD Ikimurasaki with Like Like.
      Shame you’re not using it, it’s a nice one - I originally purchased at auction for more than the asking price. Almost positive I sealed...
    • sunn
      sunn reacted to PPIIBBSS's post in the thread GIVEAWAY: Naniwa 8000 Stone with Like Like.
      "Dethroned by a BBW" - name of my sex tape
    • sunn
      sunn reacted to ethompson's post in the thread Paper Towel Challenge with Like Like.
      Thats the fun flashy test, but I find the real challenge to be slowly cutting continuous curves into free hanging paper towel. If...
    • sunn
      sunn reacted to ethompson's post in the thread Paper Towel Challenge with Like Like.
      I’ll bite - this knife is my polish mule and is usually kept intentionally dull. But it is very thin behind the edge and no damage. Goal...
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