Advice on cooking 1/2 a pig

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Maybe I missed it but how are you planning to serve it? Pulled or sliced?

I started that piggy at about 9pm. Cooked through the night until about 2pm the next day. I pulled it out at 190f/87c. Let it rest for an hour then we pulled it and served it.
Did someone say pork? For low and slow to work, I'm of opinion that you have to take it thru the "stall". Around 170F is where.k magic happens. It's called a stall because the temp stops rising (for a forever long time) while wonderful things happen within the meat. Tough stuff melts and turns to gelatin, porkiness is unleashed, and you know the reason you're spending the nite doing this. After forever the temp will start to rise again. At 180F its right for slicing. But hang on till 190 - 195F for the meat to pull apart. You check it with a thermometer but you don't need to read it. The probe should slide in without resistance.

From there I would reheat the cooled meat wrapped in foil (keep it moist) till a pull temp of 160ish. Win.
It went well,
I was too busy to get pics, but it tasted great.
The pig was a bit too big for my webber, so the heat wasn't circulating properly, I had to pull the skin off and finish it in my oven. The meat was nicely seasoned and I managed to inject some of the juices from the first cook into the joints before the second cook. It came away from the bones really well. I will definately attempt it again and I learnt a lot from this attempt.

Thanks everyone who took the time to reply here and in PMs.
It went well,
I was too busy to get pics, but it tasted great.
The pig was a bit too big for my webber, so the heat wasn't circulating properly, I had to pull the skin off and finish it in my oven. The meat was nicely seasoned and I managed to inject some of the juices from the first cook into the joints before the second cook. It came away from the bones really well. I will definately attempt it again and I learnt a lot from this attempt.

Thanks everyone who took the time to reply here and in PMs.

I will be awaiting my share.
now do a full pig in a la caja china (china box)
Great thread and wish I had occasion to good the same myself. Thanks for the ideas above
Been a few month since this. My mouth is watering.