Commercial leasing question (cell tower)

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Dazed & Confused
KKF Supporting Member
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
Bit of an odd one here. My parents own a bit of land that they leased to a cell tower business years ago. They recently got a couple of offers for leases from two big companies who work in this space. I haven’t read the offers yet but I think it’s essentially an offer for an easement to market the property (for cell towers) and collect a share of the lease fees.

My question is really who do I turn to for advice on this, since I have no clue in this area? A commercial real estate agent? Commercial real estate attorney? The property is in a suburb of Atlanta and nobody in the family lives in GA anymore, so I’d basically just like to throw this over the fence to a professional and have them take care of all the due diligence (appraisals, comps, negotiating, contract review, etc). My parents are quite elderly and not up to being involved and I’m not interested in spending a ton of time on it either.
I know 2 attorneys who specialize in the cellular/ mobile communications arena. Not sure if they work with individual homeowners or not. I know they have been involved with policy, etc. and generally know the regs backwards and forwards. They are both on the east coast, but I don't know what states they can legally practice in.

If you want I can reach out and see what they can/ are willing to do.
I know 2 attorneys who specialize in the cellular/ mobile communications arena. Not sure if they work with individual homeowners or not. I know they have been involved with policy, etc. and generally know the regs backwards and forwards. They are both on the east coast, but I don't know what states they can legally practice in.

If you want I can reach out and see what they can/ are willing to do.

I appreciate the offer! This is more of a case of getting the best deal for my parents vs a regulatory thing though. Looks like there’s companies that focus on helping the small individual lessor get the best deals from the lessees so we’ll start there.