Media Four Sided Strop

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Salty dog

Senior Member
Mar 3, 2011
Reaction score
Salty teasing use with the Honyaki Suji... looks like a killer knife!
Thanks for letting us get a glimpse of your new toy, and the strop too.
Dear Salty,

I just got a call from Koki, he said he accidentally sent my knife to you. No big deal, just go ahead and pass it my way, eh? I'll PayPal you the extra shipping (he says he's sorry).


What are your thoughts on using balsa vs leather?

I know at one point you got a bunch of different leather and compounds and tested them.

Do you like the balsa more or is it a different ball game?


I'm in the process of making one with split leather, smooth leather and balsa with 2 compunds.
Hey Salty, great strop. I've been using leather for years, with good results, but I know I could get better. I love this idea. Could you describe a little more about your choices in the four different compounds you use? Where are these found?

P.S. just watched the video of you using three knives to do the push-test cut through a tomato. Wow, my blade seemed to do pretty good. Did you do a written review of the three knives somewhere?
It's all the rage. I finished the new one using split leather, smooth leather and two sides of balsa. I finish my sharpening on them and I also use them like you would a steel.

As far as compounds go, it's like mixing cocktails. Keep trying combination until one works.

You can get the compounds from several sources. From Dave here and from CKTG. CKTG also has the 6x12 leather pieces I use. They distribute Hand American.
Cool Beans. I didn't realize you had a "secret recipe." Forgive me my rudeness :)

Many thanks, -M
No secrets. I'm still trying to figure out the best combos of compounds and surfaces. On balsa I've just been going down in particle size in the progression. With the addition of two types of leather I'm experimenting. The goal is to use one strop after the other so If I want to go crazy I can use 8 different surfaces or depending on the condition of the edge use one or the other.
Thanks for the info. I just checked out some of your other videos on youtube. Very nice. Thanks for sharing your expertise.
I used to have 128 videos. I'm adding them back little by little along with a few new ones.
You know you want to put up all your knife review ones...:biggrin2: