Get-together last Saturday at JKI

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Feb 28, 2011
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Well, I have no pics but I have to say going to JKI last Saturday was a blast. A few people showed up to check out Bill's proto, try out some of Jon's latest additions on some produce on a proper BoardSMITH, no less, sharpen a bunch of knives on various stock and experimental stones and generally talk about knives the way I wish I could with "normal" folk. Some of the highlights were the Gesshin Hide Hon Kasumi gyuto which might have taken top honors. We didn't cut with it but I sharpened Chuck's DT super wear resistant gyuto and discovered that Belgian Coticule has virtually no effect on this steel. It was shocking! The other knife I found surprising, personally was the Suisin Inox 240 gyuto. I am switching my best value western to this line. I don't know about the edge holding but it has very nice fit and finish (other than spine and choil rounding) and cuts very, very well. We finished off the evening with some excellent pizza (seriously good stuff) at Stella Rossa. Thanks to Jon and esp. Sara for hosting and tolerating all the knerdiness!
:biggrin:Jealous. Sounds like a super good time, and nice to be around like minded people.
For those of you who missed it here's a picture of $10k worth of knives sitting on a table at Jon's last Saturday:

Cool. You guys are my closest neighbors, but I still could not make it... :)

But one of your handles made it there (Blazen on the upper right).
there were a few stefan handles represented and a bit of rottman's work too (which i must say is consistently impressive)
You must have better eyes than me, Tilman, I still don't see it... But I'd definitely like to be part of such a meeting some time. Maybe I should have applied for that job in LA.

Stefan, upper right corner, Blazen in black saya, very large oval handle yellowish-black pointing away...
You guys know my handles better than I do;) I thought that wood looked familiar, but I was thinking about the black & silver wa handle I had made for Jon.

That one was for my bear paws... I love that handle. It really was an awesome time. Got to try out a few knives, fondle a ton of knives, and most importantly pick out my next purchase from JKI. That's Jon and Sarah for having us and sorry for stinking up your shop with onions and such. It's always nice to get to try out a few stone before deciding what fits your set up best.

Oh, and please excuse the Shuns (Ken Onions?) with the funky handles. Those were Pesky's mom's knives. We tested some stones on them and sent them home sharp. :)
Haha, thanks for pointing that out and clearing up why.

Nobody is making fun. Just saving face. I'm glad your momma enjoys them. I'd like to know if she thinks they are "too sharp" like the TKC.
Don't make fun. My mom loves her Ken Onions!

LOL - That is funny, I was just at a client's for dinner the other night and they absolutely love their Shun - Onions. I tried them out and they didn't appeal to me at all especially did not fit my big mits.