Got "THE" E-mail from Mr "R"

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Interesting turn of Events..... And bear with me as I am writing this at 2:00AM!


I was having a seamlessly uneventful day when suddendly!

(Read in like in a radio melodrama)

I get an e-mail from Michael with the title "Bad News"

I immediately started to imagine all kinds of awful things...

What can this be?
Should I read this?
What can possibly have gone wrong?

Yes.... You guessed it...very bad news indeed! I fear is was one of the worst outcomes possible! :cry:

It turns out that just about to finish the handle (and I do mean just about ready) he notices that there is a hidden crack right smack in the middle of the handle and the black epoxy in the inside has started to seep through on BOTH SIDES!

You remember.... It was my dream handle, the one presented to me in a saturday's dream.... ruined by a hidden crack and black freaking epoxy!

I could tell he was frustrated
I was devastated!

I needed time....

I didn't want to hear the word ivory ever again!
Just the mention of the words ivory and gyuto in the same sentence made me queasy!

I felt like the fickle hand of destiny had handed me a terrible blow...

But is there redemption? Can this be salvaged?
Is Michael "that" good?
Can he save this poor man and his gyuto?


Tan, tan, taaaaaaaan!

Until next time! :clown:

P.S. and I will spear you the actual picture of the cracked handle, I don't want to be responsible for you guys having a massive cry! It is really a heartbreaking cry!
You are right! There is a turn for the better.

But I still don't have the final pictures... I won't get ahead of myself.

Good to hear that there is a chance that this might turn out okay!
I am sure Michael has a "handle" on things, if anyone can recover it, it would be him.
Are you ready?

I think youll agree this was a cool story :cool2:

Michael (A expected) was able to put this one away with elegance and grace!

He took the ivory part of the handle that was untouched and put a beautiful dark Koa main in there, but he kept the light AND the dark parts of the ivory. Just genious!

Give it to Him to make it even better than it was before. The two tone ivory just put it away and the Koa makes a really nice contrast. The thing what he has going on with the Hammon is just spectacular



More detailed Pictures to come when I get the Knife!
I think I actually prefer this (remember we talked this over BEFORE the incident?). I feel this really screams Rader, and you get your ivory. Win win!
I completely agree Tom..

I Told Michael that i like this version much more and to be honest, I don't think we would have arrived to this configuration unless the other one had cracked!

Its a good example of turning something around! It makes it so much better!

That is REALLY sweet! That is just wonderful, and I love the Raders with ivory-wood-ivory. And also neat how something that doesn't turn out like you expected can sometimes be better than what you wanted. I have a feeling that you will really enjoy this knife. I know in my case, it has cured, at least for now, my desire for other kitchen knives.
I don't usually go for fancy stuff, but this is very nice. The koa looks like a stylized reinterpretation of a stacked leather handle, which works especially well with the vintage look of the ivory. Beautiful.
Wow, that turned out awesome.
I, too, like it more then before.
You lucky dog.

Nice job MR!
Wow - just wow. Great recovery - kudos to Mr. Rader.
:doublethumbsup:I love this koa with ivory much better than ivory on ivory one.......Micheal, nice job!!
Beautiful knife customfan! I just hopped back on the list for a gyuto of my very own. One question for you, is the blade steel w2?
Happy ending! It's cool that the knife is unmistakably a Rader, but also very unique and very much your style. I guess that's the whole point of a custom huh?
Ha ha. Maybe a touch too much drama here... If you guys knew how many times things go wrong on a knife, you'd just die if this is any indication. My "bone-yard" would supply a new maker with a lifetime of crappy knives. Ha ha.

All is well on this one. Thanks for the compliments. The top photo (iPhone) looks pretty nice. Sorry about the second photo (also iPhone), but the handle looks just as nice in person. I just need to work on my photography skills a bit more. I'll see if I can't do something a little better tomorrow.

See you all later and thanks again for the love. -M
Yes Pete... Its W2, ive had very good results with it in the past, and with Michaels heat treat... Well, it should be beyond awesome.... I think this one is a keeper. And its cool to boot!:cool2:

And Michael deserves all of the credit as always... I wanted to make the story releatable and an interesting read but at all moments Mr "R" was pretty much cool as a cucumber, It was me with the questions and.... Well you know, a papa waiting for his baby!


It should be arriving next week and ill post some cool shots of the nooks and crannies that you guys like to look at, specs, thoughts.. Hell... Ill even post an Ode to the Gyuto that almost wasn't that I know you will find hilarious!

And Michael... I bet your boneyard (no pun please!) would be a cool place to look through!

Ah, The Ode to the Gyuto that Almost Wasn't... That was good indeed. Quite fun, but seriously, now: my friend...
I need to know what you are smoking because I want some :)
Ode to the Gyuto that almost wasnt!

"One fine day fine plans were laid
To a doubting customer master said:
Need not worry "tis too shall pass"
I assure you, that Gyuto will be badass!"

"Adversity must be overcome
When materials are well... gone!
Because Michael is in the know,
In comparison that epoxy fills slow!"

"Like a tiger he valiantly fought
To overcome that great drought
And now to everyones daze
That blade is made to amaze"


This was a gift to our friend
Michael Rader,
Tinkerer, forger and
Knifemaker extraordinaire!
To thank him for the effort
In making our sublime
Culinary instruments.

Rader is "in" the house... I repeat... Rader is "in" the house!

Thanks for your patience and understanding, Customfan. And for everyone else, thanks for all the support and patience.
Take care, all.

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