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Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
New York
Hi all,

I'm not a new member, but I never posted an introduction here. My name is Alexander Bazes, and I make kitchen knives. I lived in Kyoto 2010-2019, originally as a graduate student, focusing on Japanese Buddhism. In 2012, I realized the academic path wasn't for me, and so, of course, I made the "logical" choice to learn to make knives. I studied with a teacher in Kyoto and then another in Sakai (in addition to visiting many other smiths and togishi). I was never a formal apprentice. Instead I was a "soto deshi" 外弟子, meaning I studied with my teachers and then practiced in my own shop (a space I rented in the outskirts of Kyoto).

In 2019 I moved back home to the US. I am now building a new shop in northern Vermont.

("Bazes" is an unusual name, so people often have trouble pronouncing it. The vowel sounds are identical to how you would pronounce the name "Thomas." So... "BAhzis" basically. )
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